Christmas Dinner

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Next day, evening 6:30 pm...

The large steel door of the dark room opened by the guards. The mafia king was standing in front of the door also. Yoongi came out of the room. He looked so tired and worn out.

Yoongi saw his dad on the door. He began to boil in anger. Suddenly his feet stumbled and Ryung hold him immediately. Yoongi yank his dad's hand and stand there without any expression.

Ryung's heart shattered while seeing the bruise in his son's hand. Ryung straighten his voice and told to Benjamin.

"Benjamin.. Drive him home.. "

Benjamin node his head and began to move towards the door.

"No need... "

Yoongi told in a cold, rude voice and snach his watch and phone and his car keys from another man standing on the door. Everyone standing around them look towards the king in pity. They knows how much rude and bratty is the future heir is.


Yoongi get inside his car and sighed in relief. He took the bottle of water and emptied it in one go. Yoongi look to his phone. His eyes wide seeing a bunch of missed calls. There were almost 264 missed calls from Su-ahn. Yoongi call back her immediately. But call didn't connected. Yoongi start his car and rush towards his mansion.


After 15 minutes drive Yoongi reach at his house. He get out of the car and rush inside the house.

"Su-ahn.. "

Yoongi call loudly. He saw his beloved girlfriend in a most vulnerable state. Her full face was red and swollen of continues crying. She was sitting on the floor while holding her phone in her hands.

Su-ahn raise her head while heard Yoongi yelled his name. She get up from the floor and run towards her boyfriend. She hug Yoongi and sob in his embrace.

"I.. I was so afraid... They didn't told me anything.."

Yoongi smiled a little while thinking about his girlfriend's care and sincerity. He hug her back. Yoongi felt like home, that atleast someone is here for him that genuinely care about him.

"I am ok baby.. Look I am fine.. "

She cup Yoongi's face and kiss him passionately. Yoongi also kiss her back. But he hiss in pain when she unknowingly hold his bruised hand.

"Oh.. Sorry.. What happened your hand..?

Once again Su-ahn shredded her crocodile tears.

"It's ok.. Just a small bruise.. "

Yoongi hide his hand behind and change then subject.

"You are still not get ready.. Go... It's already late.. "

Yoongi slightly push her towards their shared bedroom and he also go into another room to fresh up. After one hour, both of them get out and came to the hall.

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