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Yoongi came back from the office early today. He have something important to do today.

It was already 8 pm. Jimin Yoongi and Su-ahn are sitting around the dining table. For a change Yoongi sit besides Jimin. No.. Jimin made Yoongi sit besides him.

They peacefully having their dinner. Only the sound of spoons colliding with the plates are araised from the dining area.

Yoongi already finished his dinner. He wipe his lips with a tissue paper.

"Su-ahn.. I need to talk to you.. Come to the hall after your dinner. Jimin, you too.. "

"Ok hyung.. "

Su-ahn grated her teeth together and clutch on her chopsticks together. Because she knew if Jimin is with them, he will easily found out her truth.

Su-ahn look to Jimin. He is doing the dishes after the dinner. He already put the coffee jug on the stove. Yoongi's regular coffee before going to bed. Her eyes land on Yoongi who is standing besides the large window speaking to someone on the phone.

Jimin washed his and Yoongi's plates and pour his coffee to a mug. Su-ahn came into the kitchen with her plate. Jimin was go towards the cup without spare a glance to her with the coffee cup. Su-ahn wash her plates and follow Jimin to the hall. She didn't dare to create any drama because Yoongi was there.


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"Hyung... Your coffee... "

Yoongi gestures Jimin to put the cup on the table. He was still on the phone. Jimin do the same and sit on the couch. He took his book from the side of the couch and began to read. But he can't concentrate. His mind began to flew without any aim. His thoughts are on the lies Su-ahn going to tell to Yoongi.

Whatever she is going to tell, Jimin can't exposed her today. Because what ever the truth is it is something big. He know his Pa had all the evidence regarding her. Only Pa and Kim Nam-wook know where he kept all that.

Jimin's chain of thoughts broke when he realise movements besides him. Yoongi came and sit besides Jimin. He felt too difficult to look on Jimin and Su-ahn. Because Yoongi used to make out with his girlfriend alot in this couches before. He had a lot of ugly memories with her in this mansion.

Yoongi took a deep breadth. He look into Jimin's face. Jimin's face rigid and tensed for some reasons. Jimin still get shivers when ever Yoongi around him. But Yoongi still didn't have a slightest idea about what he did to Jimin two weeks ago.

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