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Like that 2 years passed. Maya and Ford together for 2 years successfully. They were so in love. The Mafia King and Queen were doing good too. The babies are now 5 and  7.

Maya became COO of the Min Corporates. She became the youngest person who hold that powerful position in the whole country. Some people criticizes that she is sitting at this top position just because Ms Min is Mafia king's daughter.

Min Maya shut their mouth by increasing the turnover of the company into double in just one year. She also assist her father to crack the government project with new implemented business ideas. Min Maya become the dream girl that every young men out there could dream off.

So many well known business families send proposals to Mafia king for his elder daughter. But Min just return everyone by saying their daughter is already committed. The Mafia king even appointed some guards to silently give protection to his future son in law.

Ford Chiyasit became one of the leading cardiologist in the Mins hospital. He had a good reputation.

Maya is currently on Ford's apartment. The doctor is having a flu. Maya is taking care of her sick boyfriend.

"You should get back baby

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"You should get back baby.... It's already 9..."

Maya was taking the dry cloth from Ford's forehead and replace it with wet one.

"It's ok... Dad will coming this way to pick me... So it's ok... And my guards are in the parking lot... So don't worry... "

"Mmm... "

Ford just hummed in his hoarse voice and in between coughing. Maya go outside and came back with a bowl of soup.

"Get up and drink it Ford... You will feel better... "

"No... I didn't want to.. Let me sleep... "

He told while sniffing his nose. Maya look at her whining boyfriend with a done face. She carefully placed the bowl on the night stand and made him lean in the headboard.

"Don't behave like a child.. You know I will not melt on this tantrums.. So open your mouth... "

Ford open his mouth and Maya continue to feed him. He knows she is always a tough girl. So he try hard to cope up with her. Maya just wipe his lips with her thumb and continue to feed him.

They surely spend some intimate moments. They had their first kiss already. Not more than that.

"Mm.. Ok... Stay here... I will come soon....."

Maya went outside with the bowl. Ford slowly took off the blanket from his body. Because he began to sweat. He look towards the door when his beloved girlfriend coming with a glass of water.

"Now take this tablets... "

She smiled while looking at Ford who is scanning at her face. Ford took the tablets and gulp down with the water. He again lay back on the bed.

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