You're an Idiot

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Jimin laying on the bed from the past 1 hour. The maids came as their usual time. Yoongi said the head maid to prepare the breakfast for them today.

Aecha become tensed because she didn't saw Jimin anywhere near the ground floor. She badly wanted to go check on him. The memory about days ago crashed on her mind. She told the others to continue to do their works.

Yoongi was still sitting on the couch with his laptop and some files in front of him. There no any trace of the witch there. Aecha was going towards the stairs with her slow steps.

"Where are you going Mrs Kim...?

Yoongi asked with rough voice to the woman who standing with one leg on the step and other one on the floor.

"I just wanted to call the queen.. Breakfast is almost ready.. "

"Arrange the breakfast on the dining table.. I will call him.. "

Yoongi put his files on the couch and went to call Jimin.

Yoongi hesitantly open the door of Jimin's room. The room have still dim light. He saw Jimin is laying on the bed under the thick blanket.

Jimin was peacefully sleeping with a little pout on his face. Yoongi slowly caress Jimin's hair. He switch on the night side lamp to get a clear view of the younger.

"Why are you so stubborn

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"Why are you so stubborn... Mmm... I will make everything right.... Please be patient until that.... "

Yoongi badly wanted to kiss Jimin now. The younger looking so cute and beautiful. Yoongi saw the dried tear marks on his face. His heart clenched while seeing his little minion's pathetic state. Yoongi slowly wipe the small tear drop from Jimin corner of eyes.

Jimin was fully covered with the blanket. But his right palm was resting on the pillow outside the blanket. Yoongi carefully look into Jimin's hand and saw the burn mark on it. Jimin's entire palm was red. Luckily it wasn't swollen.

Yoongi wasn't an idiot. He clearly understand what happened to Jimin's hand. He opened the cabinet took the first aid box without making any sound. He didn't want to interrupt Jimin's deep slumber. Yoongi took the antiseptic cream from the box and gently apply on Jimin's burned palm. He slowly blow on his burns and place a gentle peck on Jimin's fluffy soft hair. And again softly rub the cold cream.

Jimin stirred his hand in sleep because of the sudden cold sensation on his burned palm. Yoongi pull his hand suddenly and once again began to apply the cream.

Yoongi put back the first aid box and switch off the side lamp. He didn't had a mind to wake up Jimin from his peaceful sleep. So he came out from the room without disturbing Jimin more.

"Mrs Kim... Jimin is still sleeping... Don't disturb him.. You can serve me my breakfast.. And also call Ms Kim.. "

Mrs Kang go towards Su-ahn'a bedroom to call her. Yoongi finished his breakfast in the mean time. When Su-ahn comes to the dining table, Yoongi already gone.

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