Good Night

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Yoongi get into his house with Benjamin and other guards. Yoongi look around. But it felt too empty. Yoongi sighed and go towards his room.

Yoongi took a bag from his closet and pack his important things. Yoongi's eyes landed on the Cristal piano. He took it also. And placed it in his bag. He get out from the room with his bag.

Yoongi lock the door. He saw the guards are still staying on downstairs.

"Can we go now..?

Benjamin asked by holding on Yoongi's bag.

"Mmm... "

Yoongi saw his personal guards are getting ready also.

"Where are they going..?

Yoongi asking to Benjamin.

"They are coming with us.. The king withdraw them already.. "

"Mmmm... Let's go.. "

The change in Yoongi was very noticeable. Even the guards can be see that clearly. He was living lonely in this big mansion after Su-ahn left him. Sometimes his friends visited him. Yoongi try hard to be a good mafia king in these 4 years. But he never knew how much his dad try hard to change him unknowingly.

Min Ryung was secretly give commands to Yoongi's instructors to made him maximum rough and tough. Yoongi is now confident enough to face every difficulties bravely.

"Benjamin... Said someone to clean my mansion. And also I need a different bedroom. I already locked my old one. No need to clean that.. "

Yoongi said Benjamin who is sitting in passenger seat of the car. Yoongi was in his usual expressionless face. He was looking at the road through the window glass. It was drizzling outside.

"Ok sir... "

Benjamin didn't understand why Yoongi wanted to clean his house. Because he is going to live in main Min mansion from now on. And there is the entire mafia world working.

Benjamin agreed to send the maid to clean the house. And it wasn't his place to say something to Yoongi.

After some minutes Yoongi reached at the Min mansion. It was cold outside. Drizzling already turned into heavy rain.

Yoongi get into the mansion with his bag. Ryung was waiting him in the hall. He gave a smile towards his dad. Yoongi wanted to smile back. But his ego never allow him to smile back at his father.

"Yoongi.. Go and freshen up .. The dinner is ready. Martha will accompany you to your room.... "

Yoongi climb the stairs following by Martha. Yoongi look around. The nain character of the home was missing.

"Ajumma.. Where is Jimin.. Is he still asleep.. "

"Yes son.. He is.. He will be sleep for more time whenever he is having panic attack.. "

"Ohh.. Ok.. "

Yoongi slightly nodded on the new information.

"So this is not the first time he is having panic attacks.. "

"No.. Jimin had it many time before... When the time of his dad's death. The doctor said that his dad's death is triggered him a lot. And today both of you got attacked.. That is the reason.. "

Yoongi carefully heard everything Martha explained to him.

"Here Yoon.. It's your room.. Do you want me to help you to arrange your things.. "

"No... Ajumma.. I will do that.. "

"And come down after you freshen up.. Ok.. "


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