We are Ok

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Yoonmin and Maya were on the way to Busan to visit his parent's and halmeoni's grave. Jimin never ever returned to South Korea after leaving Yoongi. But he always do prayers and rituals on their death anniversaries when he was in Thailand.

Min Ryung appointed someone to take care of the house and Park's grave. Jimin didn't knew still it is in good condition. But Jimin never knew that Yoongi visited every year on his in law's grave nd maintained Jimin's house. Yoongi didn't even tell this to Jimin. He want to give a surprise to his queen.

Jimin was so silent in the way to his home. Is he sad.. Yes.. He is.. Jimin missed them so much. His lovable parents and his halmeoni were always with his heart in these years. The warmness of their love and affection was always with him.

Jimin was looking outside the window from the beginning of the journey. Yoongi was holding Jimin's right hand from the start. He was still in guilty that he didn't attend Park Hyun-ki's funeral and he was disrespectful towards the elder even Mr Park was his favorite uncle.

Maya was looking at both of her parents who are doomed in their own thoughts. She was sitting on the third row of the seat with a bored expression.

"Mom.. Dad.. Talk to me please... "

Yoongi look back at his daughter who are sitting in a bored face.

"What happened..?

Yoongi asked.

" Both of you are in your own worlds.. Talk to me also.. I am bored... "

"Ok.. What do you wanna talk..?

Jimin asked to Maya while turning towards her.

"Mmm... Let me think.. "

Maya began to think about a topic. But Yoongi asked in between Maya's thoughts.

"Tell me your parents love story.. I want to know how your father fall in love with a thai girl, your eomma... "

Jimin smiled a little. Because he is happy to say his parent's love story.

"That's an interesting topic though.. Even I know it already, tell me once more mom.. "

"Ok.. I will.. "

Then Jimin began to said the story.

"My eomma came to Thailand for her university studies. She got enrolled in Ewha woman's university. My grandfather asked Paa as her legal guardian because both of the mafia groups were acquaintance..

One day Paa bring my dad with him to meet my eomma. You know hyung... My eomma was so so beautiful... So they met each other... My dad fell first for her.. Eomma also had a small crush on him at first sight.. Then they began to see each other behind Paa's back.. But at last appa said about it to Paa himself.

At first Paa was angry. Because he never knew how grandpa were reacting to it..
Eomma said it to uncle Korn because he was her favorite brother. But grandpa went too angry on her and wanted to bring her back to Thailand.

Eomma knew if she go back, her father never allowed her to meet appa. So they married with the blessings of Paa. After that my grandpa cut all business ties with Min empire and also never meet eomma until he died.

Them eomma also gone after my birth. Uncle Korn came back to dad ask permission to bring me with him. But appa can't live without me.. So he denied uncle Korn.. Appa didn't get married to another person because he loved my eomma unconditionally.. Now they both are together in another world leaving me all alone here... "

Jimin stopped it with a pair of glossy eyes.

"Hey.. It's ok Baby.... You have us.. "

Yoongi said by hugging him from the shoulder. Maya huh both of her parents from the back also.

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