New Mode of Life

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Jimin slightly opened his eyes. He was inside a moving car. His head still hurts like hell. He raise his weak body from the car seat and lean on it.

"How are you feeling son..?

Jimin look towards the side. He saw Ryung is sitting on the opposite side of the car. Honestly Jimin felt terrible. Surely he felt like that. He lost his family in the interval of a few hours.

Jimin didn't speak anything. He sighed deep. His eyes are already teary. He closed his eyes tightly. He didn't want to cry again. Because Jimin hate to show his weak side in front of anyone.



Evening 4:30 pm
The Grand Busan Cemetery

Evening 4:30 pmThe Grand Busan Cemetery

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The rain is falling angrily. The nature is crying in pain. Just like Jimin's inner self the nature was also buried in deep sorrow.

The funeral of Park Hyun-ki and Park Mi-sun already finished. The guests already gone so as the priest. Jimin was standing besides the fresh grave of his appa and grandma.

Jimin was already holding a rose bouqet and a black umbrella in the other hand

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Jimin was already holding a rose bouqet and a black umbrella in the other hand. Ryung and Nam-wook standing some feets away from the graves.

Jimin softly placed the flowers on the boquet. Jimin read the labels on the black marble.

'In the memories of Park Pearl.. '

Jimin sighed deep. Now his appa and halmeoni were joined with his eomma. He is all alone. He don't know what to do next. The demise of his family was so unexpected. Jimin stare at the cold grave with an expressionless eyes.



"Is Yoongi didn't attend the calls until now.. ?

The Mafia king asked in a commanding tone. His eyes was dark. He was angry. It was a huge disrespect for him. All the members of the Min Empire were there. But the future heir of Mins was absent.

"Sorry King... He didn't.. We tried... His personal bodyguard inform him on the next minute I inform him.. But... "

Nam-wook told to the king with a deep sigh. Not only the King, everyone was disappointed on the future Mafia king. Not only that, it was the first time someone died after Min Ryung being the Mafia king. Moreover Park Hyun-ki wasn't any mere bodyguard or staff for Ryung. He know how much Hyun-ki used to adore the young Yoongi. The disrespect was unforgivable.

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