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The crew for the mission are getting ready. The 2 groups of mafias contains 25 members and 2 groups police officers of 25 each. The authority will be monitor all them while staying in the headquarters.

Guryong Village , Gangnam DistrictSeoul, Midnight 12 am

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Guryong Village ,
Gangnam District
Seoul, Midnight 12 am

The Guryong village is the last remaining urban slum in Seoul. That place was just like a dirty patch on the center of a white sheet. It is situated in the Gangnam district. As all of them was illegal settlements, the government able to relocate the half of the population to other nearby urban areas. The leftover places are now ruling by the antisocials small goons and local mafias.

This place can be say that the birthplace of every crimes in Seoul. Even the place was a very small, the police was anable to conduct a thorough search there. But being the mafia king, Ryung can be easily get an access there.

The attack was unexpected

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The attack was unexpected. The people opposite were didn't get enough chance to take their guns. The Min's guards first command was to kill them. Even government didn't want any culprits to be alive. They will be a burden to the society further.

The bullet firing sound is echoed through the dark allies of the slum. The normal people living out there startled in their sleep. But it wasn't unusual there. So they didn't bother much.

After 30 minutes, the armed war came to an end. The guards from the Min empire was all fine as usual along with small scratches here and there. The damage in the opposite side was huge.

"Search everywhere.. Their leader is still missing.. And i want him alive.."

Min Ryung give command to his men in thunderous voice.

"Yes King.. "

The kings began to search everyone. Kim Nam-wook joined with the guards. Hyun-ki go with the mafia king. They search everywhere. The king and his man found out large bundle of drugs, weapons and some explosive devices.

On the other hand, Nam-wook and the guards where reach in front of a old crusty iron door which have strong locks. He ask the guards to break the lock.

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