Whispers of Heart

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After 3 months...

Everything was going smooth. Jimin and Yoongi was living their life in the fullest with their daughter. Maya was experiencing the warmth and the security of the family at best. She became a cute little baby of her mom and dad. But she was still badass too.

It was a beautiful evening. Min family is having a small picnic with a lot of fun and snacks in their backyard under the big old oak tree.

"I love you Minnie

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"I love you Minnie... "

The Min Mafia king mumbles at his beautiful husband while laying on his lap

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The Min Mafia king mumbles at his beautiful husband while laying on his lap. The queen Min Jimin chuckled on his husband's sudden confession. He was gently stroking his husband's long black locks. The two or three gray hairs appeared on the front line on the king enhanced his handsomeness. Min Yoongi was aging like a fine wine.

"I love you too Yoonie hyung...."

Jimin replyed his husband while still running his fingers through his hair. Yoongi slowly snake his hands through Jimin's nape and pull him down for a little kiss.

"God... I can die for this... "

Yoongi said after detaching himself from Jimin's plumb red lips. He slowly wipe younger's thick lips. Even the deep kisses and make outs are common between the couple Jimin still got easily flustered. Yoongi will do whatever he can to see younger's red blushing face.

"You are cheesy... Sneaky cat.. "

Jimin said in disbelief in a fake angry tone.

"Only for you my little minion... "

Jimin chuckled softly and continue to massage Yoongi's hair.

"Hyung... "

"Mmm... "

"I decided what I want to do... "

"What you want to do..?

"I am going to start a dance academy... It was my dream too.. "

"Ok... I will do the necessary.. You can select any of our building suitable or you can select a new one itself.. "

Jimin smiled and mumbles a small thank you.

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