Evil Returns

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Yoongi was living his best life in these days. He always have his daughter along with him. Maya introduced Yoongi as his dad to his cousins and her other family members. Although everyone knew who Yoongi is, they were too happy while seeing Maya's smily face.

Now Yoongi is sitting in front of Martha, their old head maid. She is bedridden from past 2 months. Jimin and Tae taking good care of their grandma. Yoongi never imagine he will saw his favorite person again.

Yoongi was holding the pale thin wrinkled palm of that old woman in his hand.

"How are you Yoon

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"How are you Yoon... ?

Yoongi just node his head as yes only.

"You grown up so well.. Now just look like your dad alot.. "

Yoongi smiled again and stayed silent.

"Talk to me boy.. Why are you so silent..?

"I don't know.. "

Maya was also with them in Martha's room to give an emotional support to her dad. That little girl never left Yoongi alone for a single second. She was so attached to Yoongi now.

"Yoon.. Look.. I was their when your dad was a small boy.. I was their too to help your mother to raise you.. And now I raised your baby girl too.. I am so much lucky I think.. "

Martha chuckled a bit.

"I am still upset what ever you done to your queen years ago. None of the Mins do such a horrible things to their partners. They loved and respect their wifes.. I am disappointed at you for sure.. But it's past now.. You must forget it.. And earn your queen's forgiveness.. "

"Ok ajumma.. I will.. I lived in living hell in these all years.. Now I can't live without him.. "

"Yeah.. I know.. "

Martha's breadth was becoming low. She felt difficulties for take breath.

"You must take rest ajumma.. I will leave.. "

Yoongi slowly get up from the stool besides Martha's bed. He put the blanket over her properly. The woman smiled lightly and closed her eyes and drifted into sleep.

"Can we go dad.. ?

"Yes baby.. We can go now.. "

Maya get up from the couch and get out from the room with her dad. Today she forced Yoongi to come to her school to meet with her teachers.

Yoongi was so much happy to go with his baby. Jimin knew what ever the dad and daughter duo doing behind his back. He was silently enjoying everything. Maya always bring something for his mom too after coming back from the outing. She always gave this to him by saying that she brought it for Jimin. But Jimin knew that these all gifts are from his mafia king.

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