Yes.. I am a Monster

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"He was pregnant.. "

Yoongi froze on doctor's new revelation. He was unable to process what he had heard a moment ago.


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'Jimin... Pregnant.. How is it even possible..?

Yoongi didn't react for a moment. Hobi look into his friend who is standing besides him motionless. And spoke to the doctor..

"Are you sure doctor.. Maybe it can be a diagnoses mistake too... "

"No sir... I am sure.. The fetus is too strong.. They had a strong heartbeat than a usual 3 weeks old one.. And even the mother's conditions was not even favorable.. The chances of a miscarriage was high.. But still they survive like a miracle.. "

Yoongi heard everything with a heavy numb heart. He doesn't know what happened. He can't never question on Jimin character. He know his minion well.

Yoongi's mind run back towards the same flashes he is having in these days. Jimin's teary eyes, bruised lips, cries, moans of pain... He tightly shut his eyes.

'What is this..? I didn't... I can't never hurt him.. God... I didn't do anything to him.. '

Yoongi began to connect the dots. The night of his dad's funeral. He was drunk. Hoseok dropped him home. He was sure, because Hobi himself told him Jimin was with him that dad. Yoongi didn't have a clear picture about what happened in between that time until morning he woke up naked because of the phone.

'Did I..hurt him.. Did I raped my own husband.. No.. I did not.. I am not a monster.. I am not... '

Yoongi try to calm himself inside him. He can burst out like this in front of everyone. He don't know what to do now.

After some time, Yoongi asked with his deep scary voice.

"Where is my husband now..?

The doctor wide his eyes in horror. He never think that the patient was the queen of Min empire.

"I am sorry king

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"I am sorry king.. I didn't knew it was the queen.. I will never ever expect queen to be here in my clinic.. Forgive me please..."

"Where is my husband.. ?

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