What Happened

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15 years ago...

Kinn and Porsche was in a secret vacation in South Korea. No one knew that they were in the country for 10 days. It was their last day of the trip.

Kinn and Porsche was going back towards the private airport where their choper is. It was a pocket road away from the main highway. It was also a shortcut to the road connecting to Busan highway.

Due to the maintenance the highway was already blocked. Bushes were thick enough to create a natural fences on either side of the road. It was Porsche who saw the car which is beyond the bushes laying upside down.

" Stop the car.. Stop... "

The driver immediately stop the car.

"What happened..?

"Kinn.. It's look like an accident.. Driver... Can you just take a look...?

The driver rushed out of the car walk speedly towards the bushes. The car was partly perished. Kinn and Porsche also get out from the car along with his other bodyguards.

"Sir.. Two people are there... I didn't know they are still alive.. "

The driver shouted from the pit where the car is. The other bodyguards run towards the car. They carefully took out the man from the driver seat. But the boy was trapped in the backseat. It took sometime to bring out the boy.

The boy was heavily injured. His right leg had multiple fracture. His head had a bad cut and it bleeding too. Kinn and Porshe wide their eyes seeing the motionless body of the boy in their bodyguards arms.

"Bring him here.. "

Porsche immediately sat on his black limo's backseat. The guards heditate at first to lay the blood covered body of the latter. But because Porsche's glare they layed him on the backseat. He bring the boy's head in his lap and try to stop the bleeding from his head. Kinn and Porsche's dress already stained with red.

"Driver... Go to the nearest hospital.. "

"There isn't any hospital here sir.. There only one clinic here... A 10 minutes ahead.."

The car and driver was rented. He knew the place well. They drive towards the local clinic. It was already 9 in the night.

They saw a person was already closing the clinic door. The driver stopped the car in front of the clinic in a rush.

Kinn immediately jump out of the car with his bloody clothes.

"Help.. Someone... "

The who were closing the door look towards the car and saw bleeding boy in the backseat. He opened the door.

Kinn slowly took the boy from his husband's hand. They were careful enough to hold on his broken leg. Suddenly another car stopped in front of the clinic and took the driver from it.

The doctor switch on the lights and put his coat and stethoscope.

"Lay them here.. "


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