Also my dna. (4)

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I awoke to wilder crying in his room before pulling myself out of bed, I glanced at the clock seeing it was only 4:34am. I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of breast milk out of the fridge before pouring it into a bottle and sticking it into the bottle warmer.

I leant up against the counter rubbing sleep from my eyes but was quickly met with a burning feeling, I was exhausted. I stood back up grabbing the bottle from the warmer and placed a drop of milk onto my wrist making sure it wasn't too hot. I stumbled down the hallway through my room before quietly opening his door.

"Mommy's here" I said as I peaked over the crib rail at him, he instantly stopped crying and laid his head onto the bar of the crib and took a sharp breath in. I picked him up along with his stuffed elephant and sat in the rocking chair before laying him in my lap.

I handed him the bottle and he instantly put it in his mouth as we rocked back and forth, after a few minutes I felt him throw the bottle over his shoulder and heard it cling against a toy on the floor. I figured I could close my eyes for just a minute before going back to my bed.

I opened my eyes confused until I realized I was still in Wilders room and he was fast asleep in my arms, I gently picked him up and laid him into his crib before returning to my room. I glanced at the clock seeing it was now 8:58am, we both slept in. I looked out the window when I felt a pain shoot down my neck, I must've slept on it weird. I sat down at my vanity and started my makeup.

I puckered my lips one final time making sure my lipstick was placed perfectly, I didn't want to look like a loser of a mother if I happened to run into anybody. My hair was freshly washed so I decided to leave it alone besides brushing it.

I put on a black knee high dress before deciding it was time to wake up wilder. I opened his door and grabbed a thin pair of light grey pyjamas and tossed them onto my bed, I wanted him to be comfy today knowing what I was about to put him through. I walked up to his crib and lightly rubbed my hand across his belly until he began to shuffle beneath me.

"Good morning sleepy head" I said as I placed my hand on top of his head brushing his hair out of his eyes, he rolled over and sat on his knees smiling up at me. I picked him up and brought him over to my bed grabbing a diaper and pack of wipes on the way, I quickly got him changed before bringing him out to the living room and placing him in his activity table.

I grabbed a singular egg out of the fridge and began scrambling it, while that cooked I poured myself a bowl of fruit loops and took as many bites as I had time for before his was done. I took the ehh off the stove and began to break it into tiny pieces before pouring them onto a plate sticking them in the fridge to cool down.

I picked up Wilder placing him onto my hip before putting a bib around his neck and sitting him in his high chair. I handed him a small cup with water before dumping the eggs onto his tray and he quickly began eating, I scarfed down the last of my cereal but I won't lie it was soggy at this point.

I placed my bowl and spoon into the sink before taking Wilders tray and washing it off, I grabbed a wet wipe and wiped down his hands and mouth and took off his bib hanging it on the edge of the high chair. I picked him up and made my way to the couch gently laying him on my lap and nursing him, I decided to check Max's tagged Instagram pictures to see if the news had broken yet but thankfully there was nothing.

Wilder began to roll around in my lap so I scooped him up and placed him onto the carpet, I grabbed the stroller and opened it before grabbing a thin blanket and a soother along with his elephant and placed them on the counter. I picked Wilder back up and placed him in the stroller, laying the blanket across his lap and handed him his elephant as I popped his soother into his mouth. I swung the diaper bag over my shoulder and slid on my slides before heading out the door remembering to lock it behind me.

We began the quiet walk to the courthouse, it was a weekday afternoon so the streets were pretty much empty. After moving here I couldn't afford a car, me and Wilder walk most places but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it.

I walked past a school and couldn't help but smile at all the children that ran around and played a recess, that'll be my boy one day. I glanced down at wilder seeing he was still wide awake playing with his elephants ear while babbling to himself, I couldn't help but smile.

The courthouse was now visible just a few shops down the street and my body began to radiate with guilt, partly for what I did to Max but also for what Wilder was about to have to do.

"We're here buddy" I whispered out loud to wilder but couldn't help but realize I said it for myself, I was nowhere near ready for this. As we walked through the big glass doors I couldn't help but notice the same lady who dropped off the letter sitting at a desk, I took a deep breath before walking up to her and explaining the situation. She handed me a pack of papers to sign with wilders information and I felt a tug at my heartstrings as I skipped at the spots for the father to sign, I slid the papers back towards her before she handed me a swab.

"I'm gonna get you to swab this around his mouth, make sure to get lots of spit" she said giving me a sympathy smile. I bend down to wilders level taking the soother out of his mouth and replacing it with the stick of cotton, he began to cry and swat my hands away as I twisted it around in his mouth.

I removed the swab and secretly thanked the fact that he was teething for all that extra drool. The lady held out an empty plastic tube before handwriting his name onto the side and I gently placed the swab inside.

She closed the tube before tossing it into a brown paper bag and placing it onto her desk. "You guys are good to go, a man came by yesterday and already paid for it. I assume you know who he is" she said in attempt for me to tell her his name but she already knew it, everyone there did.

I quickly thanked her before giving wilder back his soother and rushing out of the glass doors, lord get me home now.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ Charlotte_Smith Nothing heals the soul like a pick me up

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@ Charlotte_Smith Nothing heals the soul like a pick me up.
@ haileybieber You only speak the truth 🙇🏻‍♀️
@ nina Miss you 😘
@ user38 Are you gonna model again?

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now