The talk. (9)

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"I think it's time to talk Max" Charlotte said before beginning to walk to the living room, I nodded my head in agreement and slowly trailed behind her. "Gin and tonic" she asked picking up a bottle of gin from behind the kitchen counter, "you know me so well" I said smiling at her.

"You can sit on the couch, I'll be there in a minute" she placing a glass onto the counter and filling it with ice. I took a seat on the couch and started thinking of questions to ask her but suddenly my mind went blank, Charlotte walked into the living room holding a singular gin and tonic and a bowl of popcorn.

"It's nothing fancy but I felt peckish" she said taking a piece of popcorn and popping it into her mouth before sitting next to me. "You aren't having one" I asked genuinely confused before taking a sip of my drink, "no he's gonna be up again within the next 3 hours to eat, I can't drink if I have to feed him" she said grabbing another handful of popcorn.

"How was your pregnancy" I blurted out, "oh it wasn't horrible I actually enjoyed it, I had really bad morning sickness though" she answered caught off guard by the sudden question. "Was he a hard newborn" I asked. These were questions I shouldn't have to ask, I should've been there.

"He was actually really good, he never cried unless he was hungry" she said taking a sip out of her water from earlier today, "I wish you would've told me about him" I whispered under my breath but loud enough for her to hear me. The room fell silent once again but that was common for us now, no one knew how to fill the obvious void in the room.

"I'm sorry" she said as her eyes filled with tears and her face lingered of guilt, "I'll never forgive you you know" I said chugging the rest of my drink before resting it onto the table. "You have every right not to" she said blinking to avoid the tears from falling, "I know I do" I said fighting back tears.

"Tell me how you feel Max, be honest" she said as she placed her hand on top of mine but I quickly pulled away. "I have a girlfriend" I said looking around the room at everything except her, "Max talk to me" she said as I took a deep breath in.

"I hate you" I mumbled while standing up, "what Max" she said, she couldn't hear me. "I hate you" I said clear enough for her to hear me this time, she didn't say anything.

"I fucking hate you so much, you robbed him from me I should've been there" I said raising my voice, "Max he's sleeping" Charlotte said causing me to quiet my voice at the thought of my son. "Charlotte I missed out on my little boys first 8 months, he doesn't even look at me as a dad" I said as tears started pouring from my eyes and I collapsed onto the couch.

Charlotte didn't say anything but instead walked away, I sobbed into my hands until she returned with a box of tissue. She placed it onto the arm of the couch next to me before returning back to the seat she once sat in.

I glanced at her to see tears slowly staining her cheeks. "Why did you do this to me, I loved you" I chocked out between sobs, "Max this was never my intention" she said as her voice cracked.

"It was Charlotte, you knew that you were leaving me and you knew you were pregnant" I said while wiping my eyes with a tissue, "I thought I was ruining our lives Max, I didn't realize how much we needed him till he was already born and it was too late to tell you" she said as her tears fell faster. "It was never too late" I said in a whisper.

"Let me show you something" she said before leaving the room and returned with a big book and a pen placing them in front of me, "what is this" I asked confused. "His baby book, flip through it" she said before sitting directly next to me, "what about the pen" I said picking it up and spinning it around my fingers. "You'll see on the last page" she said as she leant over me and opened the first page revealing an ultrasound picture of Wilder at 8 weeks.

As I flipped through the book I was pained by the fact that I missed so many important moments in his life but so happy that they were captured, we sat in silence as my tears continued to fall. As I got to the last page there was an empty space, the top of the page said "Why daddy loves you". "I'll give you some space well you write" she said before handing me the pen and leaving the living room.

I began writing, I wrote so much that I had to write under lines. I didn't shit talk his mother, but I told him the truth well telling him how much I already love him at the same time.

"I'm done" I said loud enough for her to hear but not loud enough to wake the baby, she curled the corner from the kitchen and handed me a cold water. "I thought you might want this" she said sending me a weak smile, "thank you" I said emotionlessly.

Suddenly my phone began to ring, I picked it up only to see my fathers name and decided to ignore it, that's the last thing I need right now. I began to receive text after text, they weren't stopping anytime soon, "check it" Charlotte said as I glanced at my phone screen before answering my father.

 I began to receive text after text, they weren't stopping anytime soon, "check it" Charlotte said as I glanced at my phone screen before answering my father

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"Who was it" she asked, she always wanted to know what people were saying. "Just work, nothing important" I said turning my phone off, she didn't need to know what my father was saying about my relationship with my child.

"Max I really am sorry, you can come see him whenever you want" Charlotte said while twiddling her thumbs, "thank you, I'll probably come back soon" I said taking a sip of the water she brought me earlier.

"You leave tomorrow right" she questioned, "yeah we have a race in Barcelona, Christian wants me down there a little sooner so I can get back in the right headspace" I said while standing up.

"Come see him again soon, I want you part of his life" she said yawning, "I will, I should probably get going though early flight tomorrow" I said making sure my rental keys were in my pocket. "I'll send you lots of pictures" she said as we made our way to the door.

"Thank you, I appreciate it" I said sliding on my shoes and opening the door that stood in front of me. "Goodbye Max" Charlotte said as she stood behind me, "goodbye Charlotte" I said as I closed the door behind me and made the walk to my car.

The drive back to the hotel was quiet besides the quiet sound of the radio and the people who lined the streets. It was only 9:30 but I was exhausted, both mentally and physically. I didn't bother calling Kelly before I went to bed, I was quite unimpressed with her.

@ maxverstappen1

@ maxverstappen1 Wish I was around for these days

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@ maxverstappen1 Wish I was around for these days.
@ user628 Buddy's heartbroken fr 💀💀
@ Charlotte_Smith Wish you were too 🤍
@ RedBullFan1 Literally what is happening.

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now