Visitation. (13)

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I stood bouncing Wilder on my hip as I flipped through the channels on the Tv desperate for something entertaining until the doorbell rang.

"Daddy's here" I said swinging the door open as Max stood there with a huge smile on his face, "Hi my baby" he said tickling Wilders toes as he giggled. "Come in" I said stepping aside as he followed closing the door behind him.

"Take off your shoes and you can hold him" I said as Wilder desperately tried to get out of my arms and to Max, "I think the nightly FaceTimes finally made him like me" Max said nervously laughing as he slid off his shoes.

"Oh stop it" I said laughing and lightly smacked his arm before handing him Wilder. "Oh I missed you" he said as Wilder laid his head on his shoulder as he lightly swayed side to side. "Want anything to drink" I asked walking towards the kitchen, "a water please" he mumbled in attempt to not yell in Wilders ear, not like he'd care anyways. I reached into the fridge pulling out a cold water bottle and made my way back to the living room.

"He's learning how to crawl, i'd say he's pretty close" I stated before taking a seat on the couch as Max sat next to me with the baby. "I hope he does it before I have to leave" Max said sadly knowing his time in Montreal wasn't long at all.

"He will if you don't hold him the whole time" I said smiling, "I'm just making up for lost time" Max said and it felt like a stab to the heart. He didn't mean to direct it at me but I'll never forgive myself from keeping them apart, where would my life be now if I never left him.

"Do you want to do anything today, or just stay here" Max questioned looking at me, "I think we'll just stay here, Wilder needs to nap soon and I haven't even made an effort to get myself ready today, he hasn't been sleeping well" I said gesturing to the oversized t-shirt and sweatpants I was in.

"That's fine with me, I like just being here with him better anyways" Max said as he handed Wilder a mini race car teether out of his toy bucket. "Yeah it's a lot easier here, don't have to worry about weirdos coughing on him" I said I learnt forward and rubbed my thumb against his cheek.

"Do you think if I put him down he'll try and crawl" Max said as he shifted Wilder on his lap, "Maybe, you can try" I said carefully taking the toy from him and placing it onto the table in front of me. .

Max lifted Wilder off of his lap and gently placed him onto the floor on his hands and knees, Wilder looked up at me and Max before dropping himself onto the ground and beginning to cry. "Oh your fine" I said as I picked him up but he continued to cry.

"Is he hurt" Max asked with a concerned tone trailing in his voice, "no just tired" I said as I placed him onto my lap and shifted him around before slightly lifting my shirt beginning to nurse him, Max's eyes darted everywhere in the room besides at me.

"You don't have to look away, nothing you haven't seen before" I said laughing as Max awkwardly smiled at me, "I know I just want to respect your privacy" he said before leaning back against the couch. "That's the thing once you become a mom you have no privacy, I can't even pee alone" I said before looking down at my baby.

"You can pee alone while I'm here" he said laughing before taking a sip of his water, "oh trust me I'll be taking you up on that offer, maybe I'll even get to shower alone" I said laughing as I noticed Wilder stopped sucking before glancing down at him noticing his eyes were beginning to close.

"Wanna put him down" I asked Max as I stood up rocking him side to side, "yeah" Max said a he quickly jumped up and began walking towards my room. "Grab his sleep sack and soother from his crib" I said as I sat him up placing him onto my shoulder.

"These" Max questioned walking out from the closet holding a blue bag and a white soother, "yeah, lay the sleep sack out" I said as he laid it out on my bed as I placed Wilder on top of it before gesturing to Max to zip it up and he gently placed the soother into his mouth.

"Now pick him up and go lay him in his bed" I said as I turned the light in his room, I mean closet off. Max gently carried him to the crib before gently placing him inside of it, "now see that white box, turn it on" I said as he gave me a confused look but he quickly realized what it was as the room filled with white noise.

"Have a good sleep my love" I said as I bent over gently kissing him on the cheek before stepping back, "sweet dreams my baby" Max whispered as he leant forward pecking his cheek just like I did before walking out of the room closing the door behind him.

"Gosh I'm tired" I said throwing myself back onto my bed as I groaned at how light my room was, "I slept on the plane" he said smiling as he sat next to me. "Must be nice" I said sticking sticking my tongue out at him and we both bursted into laughter.

"How's things been with Kelly" I asked fiddling with the drawstrings on my pants as the tension in the room grew stronger, "I'm done with her" he said glancing at the random picture that lined my walls. "I'm sorry about that, this all could've been avoided" I said looking down, "don't be, I have zero regrets" he said as he placed his thumb under my chin redirecting my eyes onto his.

"Now, do you have any dinner plans" he asked changing the subject, "no I was probably just gonna order pizza" I said standing up. "Hmm, why don't I order some groceries and cook for you" he questioned causing a smile to appear on me face, "you'd do that" I asked crocking my head at him.

"Of course, now let's decide what to eat" he said smiling back at me as he stuck his hand out helping me stand up as we made our way to the kitchen.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ maxverstappen1 Spent the last few days with my little buddy 🤍@ Charlotte_Smith Loved having you here!!!@ victoriaverstappen Can't wait to meet him! Come visit

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@ maxverstappen1 Spent the last few days with my little buddy 🤍
@ Charlotte_Smith Loved having you here!!!
@ victoriaverstappen Can't wait to meet him! Come visit

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