Dont do this to me. (32)

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Me and Max sat awkwardly around the dinner table as our parents sat around us, we had just broke the news to them that we had moved in together and it's safe to say that didn't go very well with his father.

"Your moving way to fast" Jos said groaning as he looked his son dead in the eyes, "dad we've practically been together for years, nothings too fast at this point" Max said becoming more and more frustrated by the seconds.

"You guys broke up for over a year, does that not speak for itself" Jos said laughing as me and my mother awkwardly looked at each other. "Don't even bring that into this conversation" Max said before handing his mom Wilder and attempted to walk away.

"Don't you dare walk away from me, sit your ass down" his dad said through gritted teeth before Sophie chimed in. "Im gonna take Wilder outside, Lisa want to come" she asked forcing a smile onto her face as my mother stood up and they both walked towards the sliding glass door.

"Don't you tell me what to do" Max said turning around as he pointed his finger in his fathers face as he towered over him, "oh really" Jos said standing up in attempt to make Max feel small.

"You might be my dad but you have no right to tell me what to do with MY family, especially after how my childhood was" Max said saying one word louder then the others, "don't you dare complain about your childhood, look at what I gave you" he said standing up and spinning his arms around referring to everything Max has ever achieved.

"Jos calm down a little" My dad said chiming into the conversation in attempt to protect Max, "oh fuck off Rob, you have no right to butt into this conversation" Jos said to my father turning his attention onto him before shifting it back to Max.

"If you think this relationship is going to workout you both are highly mistaken" he said looking between both me and Max, "our relationship is just fine" Max replied tossing a chair onto the floor.

"What are you going to get her pregnant again, she's gonna run Max and I'll be here to pick up the pieces once again" Jos said now screaming in Max's face, "you know what, she is pregnant and there's not a damn thing you can do about it" Max said screaming even louder before walking away from the table.

I quickly glanced at Jos seeing more rage fill him before swapping my attention onto my father as a shocked look laced his face, I quickly looked at Max seeing him walk outside leaving the door open hoping I would follow. I practically jumped from my seat darting outside seeing Max walk up to our moms.

"Maybe you guys will react better, Chars pregnant" he said quietly before he picking up Wilder and walking towards the edge of the patio glancing at Monaco beneath us, "what" Sophie asked noticeably shocked at what Max just said.

"Nine weeks" I mumbled walking past them and standing next to Max and Wilder, "are you guys happy about this" Sophie said softly not sure if she should congratulate us or console us.

"Very" Max mumbled glancing over his shoulder at our moms, "congratulations guys, babies are a blessing" my mom said forcing a smile onto her face before resting her hands on mine and Max's shoulder. "That's so exciting" Sophie said seeming a little more happy then my mom but still disappointed by the sudden news.

I shifted my attention back onto Max seeing a tear threatening to fall from his eye, "hey can you guys take Wilder to play in his room" I asked suddenly taking Wilder from Max before handing him to my mom.

"Sure" my mom said placing him onto her hip as I watched the two women walk inside, "come here" I mumbled reaching my arms around Max pulling him in for a much needed hug. "He doesn't like anything I do, I can't do anything right" he said coming undone and sobbing into my shoulder.

"Oh Max, he doesn't know you like others do" I said gently rubbing his back as his body shook with cries under my touch, "I'm sorry, you wanted to tell them in a different way" he said lifting his head as his red tear filled eyes met mine.

"You didn't do anything wrong, you were standing up for us and I couldn't appreciate anything more" I said before gripping his chin with my hand, "hey Char" he mumbled with his eyes locked on mine.

"I'm in love with you" he whispered just barely loud enough for me to hear, "I love you too Max" I said smiling letting the familiar words roll off of my tongue. "No I mean I'm in love with you" he said anxiously waiting for my response, "I know Max, I'm in love with you" I said as he lips quickly crashed against mine sending goosebumps across my pale skin.

"You are the absolute best thing to ever happen to me" he said pulling away and reburying his head back into my neck, "Mama, dada" we heard before quickly turning our heads to see Wilder stood by the glass door.

"Hi baby" I said walking towards him as he ran into my arms as fast as his little legs would take him, I felt Max walk up behind us before he lightly pinched Wilders cheek and pecked his temple.

I steadied Wilder on my hip before stepping inside as Max followed, I glanced around the room noticing a body was missing but no one addressed it. Thank god Jos left.

"I didn't get to say it before, congratulations guys" my dad said before pulling me and Max into a hug, "thank you, we're excited" I said smiling as he pulled away and I leant my body backwards into Max's chest. "I'm really excited to be around for it all this time, we have ultrasound pictures" Max said smirking as I stood up straight before he walked over to the fridge, reaching over the top and picked up the small white envelope.

This is where I wish to be, forever and ever.

@ maxverstappen1

@ maxverstappen1 I love you to the moon and back schat

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@ maxverstappen1 I love you to the moon and back schat. 🤍
@ Charlotte_Smith I love you my sweet boy!
@ charles_leclerc YOU SAID IT.
@ landonorris You put the big boy pants on!!!

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now