Claim me pt 2. (18)

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Without breaking the kiss he lifted our bodies as he placing his feet back onto the ground, he reached his arm around my body unclipping my bra with one hand as it fell down my arms onto my lap. He removed his lips from mine as he glanced down at my body inspecting it like it was the last time he'd ever see it.

"Where do you wanna do this" he asked lowering his head and whispering into my ear as his other hand found it's was to my boob and began using his thumb to circle my nipple. "Take me to the couch" I mumbled throwing my head back, he moved his hands before placing them under my thighs, picking me up and placing his lips back against mine.

My body smashed into wall to wall until I felt my back hit the couch, I quickly removed my lips from his sitting up using my force to push him back so he was now sitting down. "What are you doing" he asked before I stood up pushing my shorts down my thighs letting them fall to the floor.

"Fuck Char" he groaned throwing his head back against the couch before quickly looking at me again, I looked at him biting my lip as I placed my palms onto his thighs slowly dropping onto my knees in front of him. I reached my hands up to his waist and undid the buttons on his jeans as I gripped the top of them, he lifted himself up as I pulled them down his legs. "Don't tease" he begged, I debated going against his orders but decided against it.

I need him just as bad as he needs me. I reached my hands back up looping my fingers underneath his boxers as I slowly slid them down his thighs, I watched his hard cock pop up as I let them fall all the way down to his ankles before he kicked them off.

He watched with needy eyes as I grabbed his cock with my right hand earning a slight moan from him and leant overtop of it letting a ball of spit fall from my mouth run down his shaft pooling at his balls. I let my head fall as I placed a little peck on the tip as his hips buckled towards me.

I glanced up at Max as I began slowly moving my hand up and down his shaft, "Char, please" he begged as I dropped my hand back down to the bottom and opened my mouth taking all of him in at once. "Oh fuck" he moaned throwing his head back squeezing his two hands into tight fists.

I bopped my head up and down his cock as his left hand found its way to my hair before he balled it up creating a make shift ponytail, he pushed my head forward causing me to fall deeper onto him. Big is an understatement when it comes to him.

I gagged as I felt his tip hit the back of my throat as he let out a deep moan. "Char stop, I don't want to cum like this" he groaned through gritted teeth pushing his hips back in the opposite direction of me, he never liked to cum during head. I removed my mouth from his cock as he reached his hand out using his thumb to wipe the mix of spit and pre-cum off of my chin.

He placed his hand in mine before pulling me up onto the couch, his lips found there way back to mine as he guided me down against the couch, we fought for dominance as I denied his tongue access over and over until I couldn't anymore.

I felt his fingers slip into my panties as he circled his thumb around my clit, my mouth fell open as I moaned and he took that as a chance to slip his tongue into my mouth once again. I was desperate, I needed him.

"Max" I groaned buckling my hips forward needing more then what he was offering me, "shh Char, I've got you" he whispered as he lifted his head looking at me when he suddenly slipped two fingers into my pussy causing me to throw my head back.

"Max don't stop" I moaned out as he began to pump his fingers in and out of me, "hmm still like it this way" he cockily said before attaching his lips to mine as we moved in synch. "More" I groaned as he shoved a third finger in as I threw my head back and let my mouth hang open.

"Don't hold back those moans klein meisje (baby girl)" he whispered pumping his fingers faster as I let a strain of curse words leave my mouth. "Max, I'm close" I groaned gripping the couch while pushing my hips up forcing his fingers deeper. Just as I was about to reach my high I felt his fingers leave.

"What" I asked annoyed as I glanced up at him while he smirked down at me, "we aren't done here" he said reaching around my waist and pulling my panties down. He trailed his eyes down my body before moving his hands up finding my boob and neck, he gently wrapped his left hang around my neck as I smirked up at him.

"Still kinky" I asked smiling, "only for you" he groaned giving my neck a little squeeze before dipping his face down to kiss me. I was almost if not fully sober at this point, yet I had zero intentions on stopping him... stopping this.

I felt his boner rub against my thigh over and over before reaching my hand down and gripping it catching him off guard as he removed his mouth from mine, "do you want this, a hundred percent" he asked making sure I was comfortable with it.

"If you don't hurry and fuck me I might have to do it myself" I whispered in his ear before placing my hand on his shoulder feeling goose bumps trail up his body, it was in one swift move I felt his tip at my entrance. He placed his hand between my legs slightly spreading them apart and placed a light kiss onto my lips.

"Fast and hard" he groaned smirking, I nodded my head as I felt him thrust and quickly fill me up. "Max" I moaned lifting my back off the couch pressing my chest against his, "fuck Char" he grunted thrusting in and out of me.

"Faster" I mumbled reaching my hands around him, finding one hand to his hair and the other to his back. "Shit, tight" he groaned speeding up his pace, "don't stop" I said followed by a strain of moans. Our body's moved together, fully molding into one that once was.

"I'm close Max" I moaned feeling myself edging closer and closer to my climax, "let it go schat" he groaned into my ear as I tightened around him. He rested his forehead against mine as I buckled my hips one final time.

"Max, fuck Max" I moaned coming undone all over his cock, he lifted his head before resting it against my neck as he thrusted into me a final time groaning as I felt him fill me up.

He fell flat against my chest, both out breathing rigged. I gently rubbed circles using my thumb across his back as our sweaty bodies stayed joined together, he placed a light kiss on my collar bone before pulling out of me and standing up.

"I'll be back, let me get a towel" he said sending me a light smile before walking down the hallway leaving me hot and bare.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ Charlotte_Smith Who says moms can't be sexy?@ haileybieber Sexy mama!@ maxverstappen1 Pic credits?@ RedBullFan1 Is this actually Max's baby mama?

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@ Charlotte_Smith Who says moms can't be sexy?
@ haileybieber Sexy mama!
@ maxverstappen1 Pic credits?
@ RedBullFan1 Is this actually Max's baby mama?

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now