Do you love me like I love you. (23)

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I slid my sweaty palms down my red silk dress as me and Max took a walk down by the ocean not knowing what to say or do, since talking to Victoria last night being nervous around him is an understatement.

"I'm sorry about the whole dinner thing" Max said uncomfortably rubbing he back of his neck referring to the restaurant he thought he had booked a table at but forgot to call back to confirm.

"It's okay, I like this" I said spinning around smiling at him as the wind blew my hair behind me, "yeah but I wanted to take you out for dinner" he mumbled while resting his hand against my lower back.

He has no clue what me and Victoria talked about yesterday, there's no way I'd confront him about that incase it isn't true.

"Why don't we grab something to eat and go to the beach" I asked him while leaning against a railing leading down to the water, "is that okay with you" he asked removing his hand from my back.

"I mean I brought it up so of course I'm okay with it" I said jokingly rolling my eyes at him, "hey just checking, how does sushi sound" he asked gripping my chin and tilting my face towards him. "Good, really good" I said smiling at him, "you wait here, I'll be back" he said before slowly sliding his hand off of my face and walking into a grocery store.

I glanced out towards water getting lost in my own thoughts about my baby, I've never left him before let alone with someone I haven't seen in almost two years. I watched the water crash against the shore as children ran around chasing the waves, I instantly smiled thinking about my own children doing that one day.

I felt a hand sneak around my waist and quickly turned my head around to be met with a smiling Max holding a bouquet of roses.

"Max, you didn't need to do that" I said smiling up at him, "I wanted to" his whispered quiet enough that I could barely hear him as I reached out grabbing the roses.

"Let's go to the beach" he said reaching down gripping my hand in his, we never officially made this a date but we both know the intention behind it. We walked down the steep concrete steps as my heels clicked against each drop.

"Are you okay to just sit on the sand" he questioned as I slid my heels off holding them beneath my free hand, "that would be perfect" I replied smiling as I released his hand from mine and sat on the rough sand beneath me.

"I got sushi and champagne" he said sitting next to me as he began digging a tiny hole in the sand placing the bottle inside of it before placing the sushi onto his lap. "I don't want to get sand in it" he said nervously laughing as I reached forward grabbing a piece and popping it into my mouth.

"Fuck this is good" I said letting a light moan slip off of my tongue as I tasted it, Max reached forward grabbing one before bringing his hand towards my face as I opened my mouth and he placed the sushi inside.

"This is better then a restaurant" I said as Max put the last piece into his mouth and placed the trey back into the bag, not one of us said a word while we ate. Neither of us knew what to say.

"The suns setting" I said standing up and running towards the shore, "wait for me" Max said from behind me as I heard his feet patter against the wet sand before I felt my body get lifted off of the ground and swung in a circle.

"Max" I said laughing as he ran into the water, "put me down and I'll kill you" I said gripping his neck knowing that if he put me down my dress would get soaked. "I wouldn't do that to you" he said lightly swaying side to side as I wrapped my legs around his waist and we both laughed.

"Charlotte" Max said quietly as both of our laughter died down and I looked at him, "Max" I said smiling as I lifted my hand pushing my hair behind my ears but the wind blew it right back in front of my face.

"What do you want from this, from us" he asked lifting his one hand up pushing my hair back behind my ear holding his hand there to prevent it from blowing back. "Bring me to the shore and I'll tell you" I said as sadness took over his eyes, he thought I was going to say something bad.

"It's not bad" I whispered as he placed me down, "Char you gotta tell me" he said practically begging at this point. "If you can catch me I will" I said laughing as I took off running down the beach.

It only took a split second for his arms to tightly wrap around my waist as he pulled himself back onto the sand as I fell on top of him, chest to chest. I glanced back and forth between his lips and his eyes not knowing where to look.

"Char please tell-" he said before I blurted something out, "You, I want you Max" I said as a smile appeared on his face. "You aren't joking" he said but it came out as more of a question, I smiled at him before shaking my head no.

He rolled over so he was now on top of me just looking into my eyes, "are you going to kiss me or are you gonna just keep starring" I asked as he shook his head while smiling before I felt his lips collide with mine. There was no lust between us, no passion but instead love.

He pulled away smiling at me before lightly placing a kiss onto my jaw, "Charlotte it's you, it's always been you" he said before pecking my lips again. "You'll always be my only choice" I said smiling up at him as he ran his hand across my cheek.

"Be mine" be whispered placing his head into the crook of my neck, "you can do better then that mijn liefje (my love) I said smiling at him. "Be my girlfriend schat (darling)" he said lifting his head back up placing his eyes back onto mine, "yes Max" I replied reaching my hands around his neck forcing his head to lay on my chest once again.

The sun set behind us as we stayed laying on the beach, sand filling places you wouldn't wish for it to be. He'll always be my first choice in every life I live, over and over.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ Charlottes_Smith 🌹🏝️ @ maxverstappen1 Whoever gave you those is a lucky guy 😉 @ user89 Um what is happening

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@ Charlottes_Smith 🌹🏝️
@ maxverstappen1 Whoever gave you those is a lucky guy 😉
@ user89 Um what is happening.
@ haileybieber OMG call me rn.

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now