Dont leave me now. (11)

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"Good race kid" Christian said patting me on the back while we made our way back to the paddock, "is Kelly here" I asked before waving to a few fans. "Her and Penelope, they arrived halfway through the race" he said before a bunch of RedBull members ran out of the pad to congratulate me.

"Keep it simple" Christian said before walking into the paddock. "Man you are on fire" some guy I've never seen before said to me as he gripped my shoulder, "thank you but I really need to go" I said smiling while dodging the next group coming at me and practically ran into the paddock.

"Where are they" I asked Christian, the only sign they were ever there was a Barbie tossed on the ground, "your dressing room" he said pointing down the short hall before I gave him a simple nod.

I opened the door revealing a Penelope playing on the ground and Kelly sat on the couch deep into her phone. "Hey" I said stepping into the room and closing the door behind me, "Maxie" Penelope said as she swung her head around and ran to me to be picked up. "Hey kiddo, I missed you" I said tickling her sides before putting her down.

"Hey babe" I said walking towards Kelly coming to a stop in front of her, "Hi" she said coldly before shifting her attention back to her phone. "We should talk" I said taking a seat next to her, "not with P in here" she said turning off her phone and slamming it against the couch.

"Christian" I screamed as he came darting down the hallway with concern written all over his face, "what's wrong" he asked turning the corner as his eyes darted around the room.

"Can you take P for 20 minutes, me and Kelly need to talk" I said as Penelope quickly stood up and ran to Christian hugging his legs, "sure thing" he said as he smiled at me as Penelope quickly ran past the open door and down the hall before Christian closed it behind him.

"Why are you being like this" I asked turning towards her, "like what" she replied rolling her eyes. "Kelly I understand that your upset but this is my son we're talking about here" I said beginning to get fed up, "yeah yours not mine" she said as she laughed.

"You know what, I took in P as my own so why is this any different" I asked genuinely wondering what her reason was, "you knew about P before we got together, I wasn't expecting any of this" she blurted out.

I stood up and began pacing as I ran my fingers through my hair. "You are truly unbelievable" I said shooting a sharp glance at her, "how, it's perfectly reasonable" she said before smiling at me.

"Kelly I'm serious, this is my son I'm talking about not no random kid I picked off the streets" I said in attempt to reason with her, "yeah yeah" she said before standing up and walking towards me. "Why don't you just pay her child support and we can make our own" she said as she ran her finger across my jawline and attempted to push me against the wall.

"Stop it" I said lightly shoving her off of me, "Max come on" she said flopping back onto the couch. "No I'm being apart of my sons life no matter what anyone says" I said placing my head against the wall, "she just wants the money you know" she said taking another stab at Charlotte.

"She hasn't asked for shit, doesn't even want child support" I said through gritted before bursting out in laughter, why am I defending her. "I can't do this Max" she said placing her head into her hands.

"You can't do what" I questioned, "this Max, I can't take on another kid let alone one that's not even mine" she said while picking fluff off the couch cushion and tossing it onto the floor. "If I could you can" I said sitting next to her as she sighed, my son matters.

"I don't want to" she said truthfully avoiding all eye contact with me, "so you admit that you could do it, you just don't care to" I said laughing once more. "Yeah" she mumbled before looking at the wall straight ahead. "so what were over" I questioned as my heart started to race, "it's me or him" she said finally looking at me.

I didn't hesitated on my answer, I already knew who I would pick. "Him" I said as confidence laced my voice, "what" she said caught off guard as her head quickly shot towards me. "I pick him" I said truthfully, it'll always be him.

"Max think about this again, me or him" she asked as she stood up, her hands trembling with panic. "I already told you, I pick him" I said a final time, "I'm leaving, we're done" she said quickly grabbing her purse and dashing for the door. "Let me say bye to P first" I said as my breath came out shaky, this will be the hardest goodbye yet. "Whatever" she said holding back tears.

I quickly swung the door open and ran down the hall looking for Christian and Penelope before spotting them by the Tv. "P come here" I said forcing a smile on my face and bending down to her level, "Maxie I missed you" she said swinging her arms around my neck as I picked her up.

"I missed you too kiddo" I said tilting my head at Christian signing for him to leave. "Are you sleeping in the hotel with us tonight" she said laying her head on my shoulder, "that's actually what I want to talk to you about kiddo" I said placing her on the couch and taking a seat next to her.

"I have to go away P" I said as she gave me a funny look, "for a race" she asked while shifting closer to me. "Not exactly, you and mommy are going to get your own house" I said holding back tears, "but I want to stay at your house" she said placing her hand onto my cheek.

"How about I always come visit you" I said as she began to cry, "Maxie no" she sobbed as she began holding onto my right arm. "I'll miss you kid" I said while pulling her into a hug and letting a tear roll down my cheek, "don't leave Maxie" she said snuggling her face into my chest. "I love you P" I said as she sat up wiping her tears, "I love you Maxie" she said burying her head into my shoulder.

"P let's go" Kelly said as she walked down the hall slinging her overly expensive purse over her shoulder. "No I'm staying with Max" Penelope said refusing to move, "Penelope let's go, now" Kelly said sternly as Penelope shook her head no.

"Max tell her to come with me" Kelly said while becoming overly frustrated, "P go with mommy" I said while rubbing her shoulder, well it came out as more of a question but she just stayed silent.

"Penelope stop it" Kelly said walking over to us taking Penelopes arm and dragging her to her feet, "mommy no" she said trying to break free from Kelly's grasp but it was no use. I turned my head away from the scene unfolding in front of me until I could no longer hear Penelope's cries.

"Max what the fuck happened" Christian asks standing in the corner confused, "we broke up, she didn't want another kid" I said bluntly as a wave of numbness washed over me. "Holy shit, are you okay" he asked walking towards me, "yeah, I think im just gonna go back to the hotel and sleep" I said standing up. "Call me when you get there, I have to wrap up things here" he said patting me on the back before walking to the back once more.

I made my way out of the paddock as fans screamed my name over and over again, I wanted to acknowledge them but I simply couldn't. I climbed into the back of a security car before resting my head against the window, "where to sir" the kind man asked before getting my mumbled answer in return, "the hotel" I stated as we drove off... he knew exactly where to take me.

@ maxverstappen1

@ maxverstappen1 Truly can't wait to get home

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@ maxverstappen1 Truly can't wait to get home.
@ Charlotte_Smith Baby boy misses you 🤍
@ F1fan24 Did you and Kelly break up?
@ charles_leclerc Im here for you man.

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now