The world goes round. (20)

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It's been four months since Max came back into our lives, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't petrified at the start. But now here I am, all three of us together, wrapped around a high chair singing my baby boy happy birthday. We decided on have an intimate birthday between the three of us, we're all he needs.

Our family started as two, me and Wilder. We were whole, but a piece was always missing. Max was our missing piece.

"Happy birthday to you" me and Max sang as Wilder smiled up at us, "blow" Max said pointing at the lit candle in front of us but Wilder just stayed smiling.

The past month felt like it flew by, Wilder learnt how to walk and I swear it's worse than the newborn stage. One minute he's standing right next to me and the next he's trying to flush my hair brush down the toilet.

Between me and Max, nothing changed. Neither of us ever brought up that night in Italy nor did we ever make any moves towards each other, the awkwardness faded pretty quickly but I know we both think about that night more then we're willing to admit.

I surprised Max with a gift yesterday morning, I gave him a letter as we pulled into the court parking lot. He read it carefully before realizing I was legally changing Wilders last name, he was no longer a Smith, but now a Verstappen.

"Blow it out for him" I laughed patting Max on the back as he blew out the candle, I carefully pulled the candle out of the cake as Max picked up Wilders hand smashing it into the icing.

"Uh oh, uh oh" Wilder said as me and Max bursted into laughter, I dipped my finger into the icing before wiping some onto his lip. He showed his little teeth as he grinned before shoving his own hand into his mouth.

"We did it, we kept a human alive" I mumbled smiling at Max as I reached my arms out before he pulled me into a hug, "we have a one year old" he said gently rubbing my hair. "He's two next" I said sadly, "let's not jump the gun, we have another year" Max said laughing.

"All" Wilder said smearing icing into his hair, he can't quite say done yet but we both knew what he meant. "Wanna clean the cake and I'll go get him into the bath" I asked Max while scooping up Wilder attempting to not get icing all over myself.

"Sure, I'll be there in a second" he said sending me a weak smile, I practically ran my way to the washroom as Wilder wiggled his fingers around wiping icing all over my shirt. I placed him onto the floor before turning on the tap and taking off his diaper.

"Mama, mama" he said pointing at the bath waiting for me to put him in, I gently lifted him in as he splashed around spraying water all over me and the washroom. I stood up taking my eyes off of him for just a second as I slid my shirt over my head quickly throwing on my robe.

I kneeled back down next to him splashing water onto his back before filling my palm with soap and gently rubbing it onto his shoulders, I heard a smash behind me and turned around to see Max leaning in the doorframe and his phone on the ground.

"Drop something" I questioned laughing as he bent over picking it up, " nope" he said smirking as he kneeled next to me. "Why don't you go get his pyjamas ready" Max asked putting a little water onto his fingertips flicking it into Wilders face as he laughed.

"Okay, I'll be right back" I said before standing up and leaving the bathroom, I walked into Wilders room, I mean closet grabbing a thin pair of blue pyjamas before laying them on the bed.

I listened to Max and Wild laughing in the washroom as I grabbed a bottle of lotion and a diaper before placing them next to his pyjamas.

"Is he ready to get out" I asked walking next to the tub, "I think so" Max replied standing up and handing me a small shark towel. "He's gonna be so happy tomorrow when we let him ride that car thing" max said referring to the mini Ferrari he got him earlier today. He tried finding a different brand but Ferrari was the only one small enough for him.

"I know" I said before wrapping Wilder in his towel and walking towards my bedroom as Max followed, I quickly dressed him as Max made his bottle knowing I stood no chance if I took my sweet time.

"It's ready" Max said walking back towards the bed picking Wilder up, "I'll feed him" you go change max said referring to my odd choice of clothes. "Only if you let me put him in his crib" I said smiling as I stood up digging in my dresser before grabbing a pair of pants sweatpants and a white crop top. I made my way into the washroom quickly changing.

"Are you all ready for bed" I asked smiling while walking back into my room as Wilder stood on Max's lap playing with his stubble, "and you thought he'd hate you" I said laughing at the two guys in front of me.

"He did at first" Max said wrapping his arms around our son as he laid his head onto Max's shoulder, "let me see him" I said quickly scooping up Wilder before placing kisses all over his cheeks as he giggled.

"First night as a one year old" I said sadly smiling as I made my way into his closet as Max walked behind me, I laid wilder into his crib before zipping him into his sleep sack. I placed his soother into his mouth before resting his elephant next to his face.

"I love you my sweet boy" I mumbled running my thumb across his cheek, I leant forward pressing a kiss against his forehead before backing out of his room, "dada loves you" Max said leaning forward doing the same as I did before turning on his sound machine and backing out closing the door behind him.

"How about we get him back up" I questioned smiling as I reached for the door handle, "Char he's tired" Max said gripping my wrist and blocking the door with his body. "Ugh" I groaned tossing myself onto my bed as Max sat next to me.

"When did he get so big" I asked picking at the fluff on my blanket, "I've only known him big" Max said looking at me as I sent him a weak smile. "I'm sorry" I said quietly as a tear ran down my cheek.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ Charlotte_Smith Happy first birthday to my perfect little boy, the little boy that made me a mama

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@ Charlotte_Smith Happy first birthday to my perfect little boy, the little boy that made me a mama. This past year I've witnessed your first breath, your first tooth, your first word and your first steps, where did the time go my sweet, sweet boy. Wilder James Emilian Verstappen, mama loves you infinity. 🤍
@ maxverstappen1 How do we have a one year old!!
@ haileybieber Happy birthday Wilder!
@ victoriaverstappen Happy birthday buddy, can't wait to finally meet him 🤍

@ maxverstappen1

@ maxverstappen1 My best buddy is one! Daddy loves you Wilder Verstappen!*comments for this post have been turned off*

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@ maxverstappen1 My best buddy is one! Daddy loves you Wilder Verstappen!
*comments for this post have been turned off*

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