Follow me home pt 2. (22)

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I followed Victoria outside taking a seat on the balcony as the hot Monaco air blew against my skin.

"I know your watching what you say in front of my mom, come on talk to me like the old days" she said lightly elbowing me. "I'm not sure where to start" I said putting my head into my hand rubbing my temple.

"Start with when you got pregnant" she said resting her hand onto my shoulder, "well I wasn't feeling good and noticed my period was late so I took a test, then I saw two lines" I said glancing at Victoria as she nodded her head.

"I got into my head and panicked, I thought about Max and formula one by later that night I already knew I was leaving" I said feeling tears prick my eyes. "After I left I regretted it, but it was too late to go back" I said as a singular tear fell onto my cheek and I let it run down my face.

"Have you talked to anyone about this before" she asked wiping my tear, "no" I mumbled looking down. "Keep going, I'm here to listen" she said shifting in her seat.

"I hid my pregnancy from my parents for the first few months till I couldn't anymore, they were mad at me but I couldn't keep hiding it from everyone" I said before taking a deep breath in, "my mom came down for my birth and my first week postpartum but after that I was on my own" I said feeling another tear fall.

"After having Luka I was a wreck I couldn't do it on my own even if someone paid me, your super woman" she said smiling at me before I continued on. "Every month that past I felt more and more guilty, I watched him meet every milestone knowing Max was missing them... he would've loved to be there" I said as I began to sob.

"Every time I looked at him all I saw was Max, I felt like someone was waving a singular piece of him in my face but I couldn't have all of him" I said using my sleeve to wipe my tears. "I missed him" I chocked out as she placed her hand on my back keeping quiet letting me speak.

"When I saw Christian at the store I knew it was over, I knew he was going to tell Max and that scared the shit out of me" I said glancing at her, "you thought he was going to be mad" she asked looking at me with soft eyes. "I knew he was going to be mad, and he was but he had every right to be" I said sniffling.

"He came back into our life and it made me realize how much he missed out on, he loves Wilder more then anything" I mumbled looking down at the family's playing on the beach beneath us. "He still loves you" she said as I looked at her, "I know, he told me" I said smiling at her.

"No I mean he's still in love with you" she said straight faced, "that's funny" I said laughing as I wiped a tear that was about to fall from my eye. "I'm serious, he called and told me last night" she said as I frozen, he still isn't in love with me.

"No he isn't, I know he hates me deep down" I said looking back at the ground, "he might hate what you did to him but he doesn't hate you, he loves you" she said placing her hands against her belly. "I'm still in love with him, I've always been" I said looking back down at the ground under us.

"Why don't you and Max go out tomorrow night, me and my mom can watch Wilder" she questioned waiting for me to answer, "I can't make you do that, you already have the boys plus your pregnant" I said looking at her.

"What's one more" she said sending me a gentle smile, "are you sure" I questioned standing up and leaning over the balcony. "I promise" she said standing up next to me. "I love you" I said pulling her into a hug, "I love you more, let's get back inside" she said releasing me from the hug and sliding the screen door open.

"What are you guys up to" Victoria asked joining the others in the living room, I looked at Max and saw concern instantly take over his face as he noticed my red teary eyes. "I'm gonna go to the washroom, I'll be back" I said running my hand through Wilders hair as I walked past him down a hall.

I made my way into the washroom shutting the door behind me before splashing water onto my face, I heard a light knock from the other side of the door. "Char, can I come in" Max asked from the other side as I took a shaky breath in. "Yeah, come in" I said as he swung the door open.

"What's wrong" he asked in a soft voice stepping towards me, "it's nothing really, I just got a little emotional talking to Victoria" I said as he placed his hand onto my lower back. "Are you sure" he questioned as he began running his hand in a circle, "yeah" I said smiling up at him. "Come here" he said matching his smile to mine as he reached his arms out pulling me into a hug.

I breathed in his scent, I felt his muscles wrap around my waist as his hot breath brushed against my neck. I was home, back in the place I've always belonged...Max's arms.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ Charlotte_Smith Heal yourself before you try to heal others

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@ Charlotte_Smith Heal yourself before you try to heal others.
@ maxverstappen1 🤍
@ nina I need that asap
@ haileybieber I'm actually in love with you.

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now