The start of it all. (1)

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I awoke to the sound of my son crying, I rolled out of bed and glanced at the clock noticing it was 7:43am. I mentally complained and made my way to his room, it's technically just my walk in closet but we could only afford a one bedroom apartment after leaving Belgium.

"Hey baby" I said as I glancing over the crib at my baby, he instantly stopped crying and smiled at me showing off his little dimples. I picked him up and made my way to the rocking chair in the corner of the closet, I laid him on my lap and began nursing him as his fingers quickly found their way to my hair. Nursing was never something I had planned to do past three or four months but after seeing the price of formula I knew I had no other option.

I kept looking at different objects scattered around his dark room internally playing I spy to avoid my sleepiness from taking over. He began to flip around and sat up beginning to blow raspberry's at me in a way of saying hey mom let's go. I picked him up gently placing him onto my hip as I reached for the little light switch in the corner flicking it on, I came to my feet as he buried his head into my shoulder shielding his eyes from the light.

"Let's get dressed Wild" I said as I ticked his tummy and he began to let little giggles fall from his lips. Wilder Emilian James Smith is my sons name, I wasn't sure if I wanted to put anything linked to his father in his name but I decided it was the right thing to do after the stunt that I pulled.

Wilder laid his head on my shoulder and yawned, I instantly felt bad for having to get him up. I reached on top of one of his shelves pulling out a brown short sleeve romper before grabbing a pair of white socks and returning to my room, I grabbed a new diaper and a pack of wipes from my nightstand and laid him onto my bed and got him dressed for the day.

I picked up Wilder and sat him in the toy corner in my bedroom, he instantly picked up a ball and began chewing on it as his teething gums searched for a relief. I sat myself down at vanity questioning what to do with myself today, it's embarrassing to look back at how much makeup I used to wear prior to having a baby.

I decided on a simple natural look knowing we were going out, this seems to be my normal these days. I did my hair  in some lose curls because who are we fooling they'll be straight again in a few hours.

"Mama mama" Wilder babbled at my feet as I put on my last bit of lipgloss and sat him in my lap. "Hi baby" I said leaning down and kissing his cheek leaving a light pink lipgloss stain before gently wiping it away with my sleeve, I stood up and placed wilder on my hip and grabbed a cropped white tank top from my dresser and tossed it onto the bed before grabbing a pair of light blue mom jeans.

I handed Wilder my phone and laid him gently down onto my bed as he began chewing on the case, I quickly changed and grabbed a light brown baseball cap off of the back of my door and placed it on my head before picking Wilder back up. "Let's go get some yogurt, yummy in Wilders tummy" I sang as we made our way to the kitchen before sitting Wilder in his high chair and placing a bib around his neck.

"Nana" I said as i handed wilder half a banana to eat while I got everything else ready, I chopped up strawberries and bananas before placing them into my cup of yogurt leaving Wilders plain. I poured 2 oz's of water into a bottle so Wilder has something to drink while we eat. I leant my body against the kitchen island scooping yogurt onto a little blue spoon and placing it into his mouth attempting to take bites of mine between his.

I glanced at the clock realizing it was now 9:27am. I picked up mine and Wilders bowls and placed them in the dishwasher before rinsing the spoons, I grabbed a wet wipe out of the bag we have sitting on the living room table before wiping off his hands and mouth before tossing it into the trash can. I grabbed the stroller I had sitting next to the apartment door and popped it open and slid on my shoes.

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now