Court. (5)

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"I can't do this" I mumbled as I placed my head into my hands, "you'll be okay, I'll only be one room over" my mom said as she parked the car in the courthouse parking lot. I ran my hands down my black skirt removing any wrinkles that were possibly left after the 5th time ironing it and quickly looked for stains on my white long sleeve shirt. I climbed out of the car and made my way to wilders door unbuckling him and placing him onto my left hip.

"Let's go" my mom said as she grabbed the diaper bag and began walking inside, I couldn't help but notice the 7 other cars in the parking lot, the court house is usually packed but I wouldn't put it past Max to clear the place out. I walked through the big glass doors and was met with my lawyer in the waiting room.

"You must be Wilder" she said as she picked up his hand and he sent her a big smile, "let's get this taken care of Charlotte" she said as she pulled me in for a hug. "I'm sorry it's such short notice" I said as my eyes met with the same service lady from the day before, "no no don't worry I do lots of these" she said reassuring me with a smile.

A tall man made his way over to us and stuck his hand out for me to shake. "We're ready for you" he said as I nodded my head at him. "Are you here to watch the baby" he said looking and my mom and I had to quickly jump in and answer for her so she didn't tell this poor guy his whole life story.

"Yes she is" I spoke up as I kissed wilder on the cheek before handing him to my mom, "you can come with me" the desk lady said from behind the tall man. She led my mom to a room before she opened the door and walked back towards her desk, my mom turned around picking up wilders hand and making him wave at me before walking into the room and shutting the door.

"Come with me" the tall man said as he began walking to the back, me and Mrs young slowly followed behind as my hands trembled and my stomach turned. "Max is already in there, he has been for awhile" she whispered to me as we rounded a corner. I had no words to say, instead I was holding back the urge to throw up all over the hall way.

The man held the door open for us as he stepped to the side, mrs young walked in first and I quietly followed behind. My eyes instantly began darting around the room ignoring the judge until my eyes landed on him, he wasn't facing me in fact he didn't even turn around.

His lawyer had his eyes locked onto us while talking to Max probably telling him what state I was in, I mean I'd like to think I look okay. His hair looked to be styled and I could tell he was wearing a black shirt, he never wore black it was always the same RedBull merchandise with the odd white t-shirt and shorts.

My lawyer stopped at a pew insinuating for me to go first, I slid in taking my seat with her following behind me. There was now nothing keeping me and Max apart besides the distance of the room, I looked back to realize the door was now closed and the tall man was nowhere in sight. I glanced over at Max to see he was now looking at me, I couldn't help but notice the bags that fell beneath his eyes. His gaze was intimidating, I expected him to look away but he never did so I quickly shifted my eyes towards the judge.

"Is this everyone" the judge asked preparing to start the case, my lawyer nodded yes along side of Max's. "This is a custody case for Wilder Smith correct" she asked looking at me. "yes ma'am" I said as fear laced my voice, I was an open book at this point. Realizing everyone in the room was now looking at me I fell more I'll then I ever thought was possible, I was the only one who knew his full name.

"First we're going to go over the DNA results then both parties will have a chance to speak" she said picking up a big brown envelope using her nails to tear it open, I knew Max was his father but Max still wasn't sure and I don't blame him.

"Max Verstappen you are a 99.9% match with Wilder Smith, you are the father" the judge said and I quickly looked at Max to see him shaking his head and looking at the floor. Way to get straight to the point I thought as I hung my head and groaned.

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now