Hold me tight. (34)

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I sat next to the hospital bed holding Max's hand in mine while lightly rubbing his light gashes with my thumb, I glanced up at him to see the thick white bandages wrapped around his head as his stitches peaked out from beneath it.

I shifted my attention to the black splint that was holding his broken arm steady fighting the urge to not choke out in tears again. "Hello Charlotte" a doctor said smiling as he entered the room quietly catching me off guard as I blinked my tears away before I forcing a smile back at him.

"He's stable but concussed, he's a very lucky man" he said glancing at Max before reading his vitals over again, "will he be okay" I asked as my body trembled. He has to be okay, I need him.

"We believe so, the concussion should take 2-3 weeks to heal and his arm around 12 weeks... he's in a very good shape for what he went through" he said walking towards the door before glancing back at me, "any questions" he asked sending me a sympathetic smile as I shook my head no before he smiled at me once again before exiting the room.

I quickly sprung to my feet walking towards the window that overlooked the dark Monte Carlo city before pulling out my phone and calling the one person who somehow was trusted enough to watch my son while I'm with Max, Lando.

"Hello" he asked groggily as exhaustion laced his voice, "is Wilder asleep" I asked immediately smiling at the thought of my son. "Yes, how's Max" he asked shuffling things around in the background as he sat up from what I'm guessing is my couch.

"He's good, has a concussion and a broken arm but should make a full recovery" I said feeling tears refill my eyes, he's gonna be okay.

"Oh Charlotte that's amazing" he said and I could hear relief fill his voice as he sucked a breath of air in, "I'm gonna go but you get to sleep soon, Wilder will be up around six" I said glancing at the clock on the wall realizing it was now midnight.

"Shit okay, I'll call you in the morning when he's up" he said as the other line ruffled again before falling silent, "goodbye Lando" I said smiling as he mumbled a goodbye back as I pulled the phone off my ear hitting the end button.

I wasn't sure what to say or do, no one wants to watch the love of their life go flying into a wall. Let alone in a sports car. "Char" I heard behind me but continued staring out the window thinking I was going crazy, I'm just hearing things.

"Charlotte" the voice chocked out harder then the last time, I slowly spun my head around when my eyes laid on Max, his eyes open looking right at me.

"Baby don't move" I said rushing to his side as he attempted to sit up before groaning feeling pain shoot through his body, he glanced down at his arm and immediately frowned. "I can't drive" he said sadly as his voice came out raspy and dry, I stood back trying to hold in my tears.

"Take a sip of this" I said gently as I lifted a small styrofoam cup towards his mouth before placing the straw between his lips, he looked me gently in the eyes taking a light sip before pushing his head back into the pillow signalling that one sip was enough as I pulled the cup away.

"My head hurts" he said whining in pain as his eyes shot closed and pain laced his face, "let me get the doctor my love" I said in a whisper before standing up and turning into the hallway finally letting my tears fall as I sprinted towards the first doctor I saw.

"He's awake" I said gently as she looked at me wide eyed before quickly walking towards the room Max laid in, I stood there in the hospital hallway hoping the ground would swallow me whole when I saw the doctor from earlier come running down the hall before turning into Max's room.

I sucked a breath in before calmly walking back into the hospital room noticing the two doctors were now surrounding Max's bed, peppering him with questions as he practically rolled in pain. Max never complains of pain.

"We're going to hook you up to some morphine" the male doctor said to him before adding an extra dip into his iv, "okay" Max said quickly as his eyes landed on mine and he instantly settled.

"Let us know if you guys need anything, we'll be by to check on him again soon" the female said before following the male out of the room as my attention shifted fully back onto Max.

"Char, it hurts" he said using his free hand to hold the top of his head, "you have a concussion baby" I said grabbing his hand and placing it in mine in attempt to avoid him from knocking his stitches.

"I thought I was dead" he said coldly as tears now filled his eyes before dropping onto his cheek, "you aren't hun, your alive" I said forcing a smile onto my face before bringing his knuckles towards my mouth placing a light kiss on them before resting our intertwined hands back into the hospital bed.

"I saw the wall coming and all I could think of was you and Wilder, and our baby" he said in a whisper letting his emotions come to the surface, "I didn't want to leave you" he said breaking down in front of me as my heart shattered.

"Your okay Max, I'm here" I said letting go of his hand and standing up before placing both of my hands onto a separate side of his face, I reached my face down lightly pecking his lips as the metallic taste of blood lingered on my tongue.

"Let me hold you" he said reaching his arm out insinuating for me to climb into his grasp, " I don't want to hurt you" I said lightly while still standing in the same spot. "You won't" he said trying to reassure me as he shuffled over making extra room in the tiny hospital bed.

I smiled before climbing into his arms as his free hand began to draw circles on my scalp, "I love you" he whispered as I glanced up at him to see his eyes closed. The poor guy was desperate to do anything to escape the pain.

"I love you Max" I whispered laying on his chest in attempt to not bump his broken arm feeling his heart beat against my cheek, let me hold you tight because I can't live without you.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ Charlotte_Smith He's awake and stable

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@ Charlotte_Smith He's awake and stable. 🤍
@ charles_leclerc The best news I've heard in awhile!
@ nina Char that's so amazing
@ danielricciardo Yay Maxie!

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now