20 years later. (3)

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I sat in the back of the Ferrari garage as my son suited up for his first ever race, his home race in Monaco.

"Lucca I swear if you aren't-" I said before he immediately cut me off, "carful mom, I know" he said dramatically rolling his eyes while climbing into the car. "Hey don't pull any stupid shit with your brother either, be nice to each other" I said sternly before peaking out of the garage seeing Wilder pull out of the RedBull garage, I sure hope Max gave him the same talk.

"I love you okay, be safe" I said leaning down to kiss the top of his helmet leaving a bright red lipstick stain on the shiny red material, "I love you mom, I'll be safe I promise" he said lifting his head up to shoot me a smile before slowly pulling out from the garage. Even at 17 he still needs his mommy.

"Gosh this kid is going to give me a heart attack, he isn't even legally allowed to drive" I said while sucking in a deep breath of air feeling the hair on the back of my neck stand up, "he'll be okay, he's been doing this for years" Capri said in attempt to reassure me as her shiny engagement ring beamed in the light.

"Didn't Max do the same thing" Jules asked raising an eyebrow as he laid his head onto Capri's shoulder, "yes but it's diffident" I said smiling before taking the empty seat besides them.

"It's the same exact thing" Charles said walking in holding a big bag of popcorn as Alexandra and Marc trailed behind him, "not when it's your kid, I'm only realizing now how young Max was" I said reminiscing on the old days before we had kids.

"How are you feeling Jules" Alexandra asked glancing at her sons broken wrist, "should be good to go in a few more weeks" he answered lifting his cast into the air and slowly wiggling it around. "Gosh he's going to love being with you all the time" I said feeling suddenly excited at the thought of Jules and Lucca on the same team.

"Where's Zealand, he wasn't with Max" Alexandra asked looking around the garage, "he has a race in Singapore tomorrow, he said he'll be at the next one though" I said feeling suddenly anxious at my 15 year old being in a different country alone.

"Oh speaking of Max, he wants to see you" Charles said before shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth, "Capri you coming" I asked spinning my head around as she shook her head no. "I need to bound with my in-laws a little more" she said smirking causing me to laugh before leaving the Ferrari garage.

"I've been looking for you" Max said smiling as he reached his arms out pulling me into his embrace, his greying stubble rubbing against my neck. "How's Wilder" I asked feeling bad I couldn't be there for him, "he's good, less stressful without you" Max said laughing as I pulled away swatting him with my hand.

"I'm joking he should be fine though, he's used to this now" he said softly while placing a piece of my hair behind my ear, "still scares me" I said glancing at the cars all lined up on the television in front of me.

"We have a P2 and P7" Max said glancing up at the same screen I was looking at, "we made those boys" I said smiling to myself wishing they could be little again. "We can make another" Max said placing his lips lightly onto my neck, "I don't think I could even if we wanted to" I said laughing as he caught me off guard.

"I gotta head to the pitwall, I love you" Max said lifting his lips from my neck before lightly kissing my lips, "I love you" I mumbled into the kiss as he pulled away and took a few steps back before waving goodbye before disappearing behind a wall.

I made the short walk back to the Ferrari garage only to be met with a laughing group, "what are we talking about" I asked walking up behind Capri before placing my hands onto the back of her chair. "Baby names" Capri said nonchalantly turning her head to face me and I couldn't help but notice the bright smile plastered into her face, "I'm not ready to be a grandma" I said placing my hand onto my chest. Lord save me now.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ Charlotte_Smith Never imagined myself being part of Ferrari in anyway, excited for what's coming!@ maxverstappen1 I don't know if I should be proud or cry, jk 🤍@ user369 This is insane

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@ Charlotte_Smith Never imagined myself being part of Ferrari in anyway, excited for what's coming!
@ maxverstappen1 I don't know if I should be proud or cry, jk 🤍
@ user369 This is insane.
@ RedBullFan59 Max X Ferrari?

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now