The man flu. (24)

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I woke up to the sound of someone gagging and a missing spot next to me in bed, I sat up rubbing my eyes groaning knowing what today was going to hold. I stood up making my way towards the bathroom seeing the door was cracked open and Max was bent over the toilet seat.

"Get it out, it's okay" I mumbled lightly rubbing his back as he threw up, "I'm okay, you go back to bed" he said grabbing a tissue and wiping his mouth as he stood up. "No no it's okay, what's wrong does your stomach hurt" I asked resting my hand onto his shoulder and rubbing his back while using my other hand to flush the toilet.

"I think it's the flu, a few guys had it last week" he said referring to his past race, "let's get you in bed" I said as I filled a paper cup used for rinsing your mouth with tap water before handing it to him.

"Do you need anything" I asked concerned as he slowly drank the water, "no I'm okay, thank you though" he said in a low tone. "I'd keep away from me, I don't want to get you sick he said leaving the washroom and beginning to walk down the hallway.

"Are you sure" I asked concerned as he sent me a small smile, "I'll be okay" he said blowing me a kiss and disappearing back into my room. I made my way into the kitchen quietly cooking eggs when I heard Wilder began to cry.

I jogged my way down the hallway hoping he hadn't woken Max up yet, I peaked my head into the room seeing his lips slightly parted as he laid snuggled up in my bed still asleep. I breathed a sigh of relief and practically tiptoed across my room before opening up Wilders door.

"Hi baby" I said smiling as he stopped crying and smiled at me showing off his teeth, "how did you sleep" I asked knowing he wouldn't respond to my question as he laid his head against my shoulder.

I grabbed him an outfit before leaving the room hoping to not need to enter again. "eat eat" Wilder said while rubbing his tummy, "mommy made you eggs" I said lightly kissing his forehead as I placed him into his highchair.

I poured some scrambled eggs onto his tray and he quickly dove in, I opened the spice cabinet grabbing some salt and pepper lightly flavouring mine... it doesn't do much but it's better then nothing. We ate in silence taking breaks in between to scoop Wilders thrown eggs off of the floor.

"No no" Wilder said beginning to mush an egg between his fingers letting me know he was done, I gently placed my glass plate into the sink before grabbing his trey and dumping the leftover eggs he didn't eat into the garbage.

"No no" Wilder said again attempting to climb out of his seat but was held in by buckles, "no patience like your daddy" I said smiling as I lifted him out and gently washed his hands in the sink before placing him onto my hip.

Almost on cue I heard my name lightly being called, "Charlotte" Max said in a quiet tone but still loud enough for me to hear. "I'm coming" I said walking down the hallway before peaking my head through the door.

"How do you feel" I asked sending him a light smile, "like shit" he said grumpily but still attempting to lighten his own mood. "Want us to run to the store for anything, maybe sprite" I questioned tilting my head to the side against Wilders.

"You don't have to do that" he said sending me a light smile before rubbing his temples. "Me and Wilder will go, how does soup, crackers and sprite sound" I asked walking into the room and making my way to my dresser.

"Thank you, I mean it" he said planting his face into my pink pillow, I sight I never thought I'd see. "You don't have to thank me" I said grabbing myself a pink crewneck and black legging knowing I had socks scattered somewhere in the apartment.

"You get yourself back to sleep, I won't be too long" I said blowing him a kiss before closing the door behind me, I made my back to the living room quickly getting myself and Wilder ready. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my keys before walking out of my apartment.

"First time in mommy's new car" I said placing a light peck on Wilders forehead, "car, car" he said pointing his little finger towards the new shiny black Honda that sat in the parking garage.

"Yeah mommy's car" I said smiling as I unlocked the doors and placed him into his seat before tossing the diaper bag in the back and sitting in the drivers seat, I started the car and began to the short drive to the French grocery store.

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't struggled with the language barrier when I moved here, most people in Montreal know at least a little English but still speak mostly French.

I pulled up to the tiny market noticing more people than usual outside when it clicked, shit it's thanksgiving weekend. Growing up in Belgium it's not something celebrated, but here in Canada it is.

I face palmed myself before climbing out of the car and making my way to Wilders side, "hi baby" I said smiling as I unbuckled him and placed him onto my hip.

I dodged car after car and person after person just trying to make my way into the store, I sucked in a breath of air as I entered realizing their was no carts left.

"We'll buddy we better make this quick" I said to my son while scooping up a basket and placing it onto my forearm. I made my way towards the fresh produce tossing a pack of carrots and celery into my basket.

I dodged my way through the store grabbing everything I needed, to my surprise they still had a decent stock. I stood in line balancing my son on my hip alongside the basket when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hello" an older man said as he smiled on me, "sorry, do I know you" I replied forcing a smile onto my face as I stepped backwards causing his hand to slip off of my shoulder.

"No, I'm a max fan" he said smiling spinning his phone around showing me the background, a picture of rookie Max following his first podium. "Awe we'll it's nice to meet you" I said turning back around and stepping forward noticing the line had moved.

"This must be his son" he said stepping towards us and placing his hand on Wilders back, "don't touch him please" I said as my smile immediately fell from my face and I shifted my body sideways knocking his hand off once again but this time it fell to my waist.

"Wow, he picked a rude one, can you call him for me" he said smirking as his hand glazed around my waist and his fingers dug into my hip, "no" I said sharply desperately trying to knock his hand off of me.

"I don't understand why, he's my favourite driver" he whispered as he leant his head towards my ear, just when I needed it the most the cash ahead of me opened up and I quickly took it as my chance to get away.

"Are you okay" an older lady asked seeing the panic and disgust written all over my face, "yeah, just an odd guy" I said glancing back at him noticing him still looking at me. "Brady come here, he'll walk you to your car" she said placing my last item into a small paper bag. "Thank you, I really appreciate it" I said sending her a smile before paying and walking over to the young man.

"Don't be too alarmed, he's in here all the time" Brady said leading me out of the store, "I'm not too worried" I said glancing behind me seeing him through the window now standing at the cash I previously stood up. "This is my car, thank you" I said smiling as I unlocked the door placing the shopping bag on the passenger seat before beginning to buckle Wilder in.

"You have a good rest of your day" he said stepping back but still watching my car, "you too, thank you" I said smiling as I found my way to the drivers seat quickly locking the doors behind me. This is going to be a few interesting years I thought to myself before grazing my temple with my left hand and starting the car.

@ maxverstappen1

@ maxverstappen1 Just a couple of sick guys@ Charlotte_Smith Some cute sick boys!@ landonorris haven't hit me yet 😋@ user39 Get an iv or suck it up

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@ maxverstappen1 Just a couple of sick guys
@ Charlotte_Smith Some cute sick boys!
@ landonorris haven't hit me yet 😋
@ user39 Get an iv or suck it up.

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now