Claim me (pt 1). (17)

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I sat at the kitchen island swirling a cup of wine in my hand, "so you haven't had a boyfriend since you left me" Max questioned taking a sip from his glass. "Nope, haven't even kissed anyone" I said confidently knowing it was true.

"So you haven't had sex, like at all" Max asked shocked, "no, I have toys" I said winking at him as I took another sip. "Your crazy" he replied laughing as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Hey you can't get around when you have a baby attached to your hip and nipples constantly" I said standing up and placing my cup into the sink, three drinks was more then enough.

"I guess you aren't wrong" he said downing the rest of his and copying me, he made his way towards an Alexa sat in the corner before speaking "Alexa play music" he asked smirking at me.
"Dance with me" he said spinning around and holding his hand out for me, "absolutely not" I said laughing as good looking by Suki Waterhouse began to play thoughout the kitchen.

"Come on" he whined stepping closer to me reaching his hand back out again, "fine" I groaned smiling as my hand met his. He tightly pulled me into his chest as we began swaying back and forth, "we used to dance like this all the time" I mumbled resting my head against his chest listening to his heart race from under his t-shirt.

"Yeah" he mumbled back as we moved in synch, he picked me up and span me in a circle before placing me back down as I looked up at him smiling. "I was really hoping you got ugly before I had to see you again, but it was the opposite" he said whispering the last part.

"Is that really" I asked still smiling at him, "maybe it's seeing you mother my child or maybe you're just absolutely stunning but either way you got prettier" he said lifting his hand before tucking a piece of my fallen hair behind my ear.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't think you weren't more handsome then the last time I saw you verstappen" I said releasing myself from his grip stepping back and climbing onto the counter behind me. He stepped towards me before placing both of his hands on opposite sides of me against the cold marble counter.

"I'm still so in love with you" he whispered towering over me, "I know" I mumbled placing my hand onto his chin. Neither of us were drunk, maybe tipsy at most.
"Do you still love me Charlotte" he asked moving his face closer to mine, I could feel his breath against my cold skin.

I pushed his head to the side so his ear was now lined up with my mouth, "I could answer that in many different ways Max" I whispered into his ear before letting go of his chin so he could face me again. He looked into my eyes and I couldn't help but notice how his eyes were now filled with lust.

"What do you want from this Charlotte, I don't like teasing and you know that" he spoke glancing from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes. "Make a move and you'll find out" I said smirking at him.

Max lifted his knee onto the counter before lifting up his other practically straddling me, he placed his right hand under my head and guided me down until I was laying underneath him. He ran a hand down my arm feeling the goosebumps that now lined my skin from a mix of the cold counter and his touch.

"Hey Alexa, play nothings gonna hurt you baby on repeat" he asked not breaking eye contact with me, "our song" I whispered smiling up at him. "Our sex song" he mumbled into my ear as he lowered his head lightly placing kisses on my neck.

"Max" I lightly moaned out as he began to suck on my sweet spot, he still knew where it was. "Want me to stop" he asked removing his lips from my neck but kept his head lowered, "god no" I groaned as he placed his lips back against me and I felt myself falling wetter and wetter as the seconds past.

He moved his lips down now tracing my collarbone as he ran his hands down my body till he reached the bottom of my shirt, he slid one hand under my body as he removed his lips and slightly lifted me up while using his other hand to pull my shirt over my head.

I reached my right hand up tugging on the bottom of his shirt and he immediately knew what I wanted, he gripped the bottom of his shirt with his hands and pulled it over his head tossing it next to mine on the floor.

He leant back down on top of me and stayed looking in my eyes, "what do you want from me" he asked groaning becoming more and more needier as the seconds past. "I want you to fuck me like you wish you would've the last time you saw me" I spoke before lightly biting my lip, he placed his thumb onto my lip popping it out from between my teeth.

"I don't have a condom" he said placing his lips on my jaw lightly kissing it, I needed more of him. "That never stopped us before" I said reaching my hand down gripping the back of his hair with my fingers, he lifted his head now eye level with me and shifted looking between my eyes and lips.

He lowered his head crashing his lips against mine, our lips moved gently against each other but it still wasn't enough for me. I pushed his head deepening our kiss as he groaned on top of me and swiped his tongue against my bottom lip asking for access but I denied.

He tried once again but I didn't budge, he pushed himself against me and I could feel his hard cock against my pussy between the fabric of our clothes. I lightly moaned and he knew this was his chance as he slid his tongue into my mouth, he moaned through the kiss as his tongue danced around in my mouth.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ Charlotte_Smith Where do I buy a vespa?@ nina I need

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@ Charlotte_Smith Where do I buy a vespa?
@ nina I need.
@ haileybieber Come to LA and I'll get u one. 😜
@ User83 Lol Max's money.

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now