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I woke up realizing I was in my bed, this isn't where I fell asleep last night. I quickly jerked up before feeling my blankets catch on something, I slowly turned to the side seeing a sleeping Max cuddled up in my blankets.

"Fuck" I groaned as the flashbacks from last night came back to me, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't upset. My eyes shifted towards my window seeing the moon slightly light the dark sky. It was way too early to be awake.

I attempted to lay back up as a wave of nausea hit me from my sudden movements, I instantly sprung onto my feet causing a ruckus as I sprinted to the bathroom.

I quickly fell to my knees against the cold tile floor clenching the toilet bowl till my fingertips turned white, the only thing going through my mind was to not get sick when I heard a raspy voice talk from the doorway.

"Are you okay" Max asked as I turned my head to see him standing there hand and shirt covered in dry blood pushing me to my edge, I quickly flicked my head back towards the toilet using one of my hands to hold my hair back as I emptied the contents of my stomach into the bowl.

"Hey hey, I've got you" he said calmly as he used his clean hair to replace my hand around my hair as mine fell by my side, "wash your hand and take that shirt off, I'm begging" I practically begged as he reached his hand towards the sink turning on the water before lathering his hand in soap.

I kept my head buried in the toilet as my stomach continued to empty itself against my will, I felt max shift around behind me before hearing his shirt lightly hit the floor.

"Morning sickness" he asked as he used his free hand to grab me a a stack of tissues from above the sink, I couldn't reply but instead lightly nodded my head before using a tissue to wipe my mouth. We sat in silence as I reached forward flushing the toilet sending a whooshing noice throughout the washing.

"I'm sorry that was nasty" I said beginning to stand up as he let his grip go causing my hair fall back onto my shoulders. "Don't apologize, I did this" he said lightly rubbing my back as I reached for a paper cup.

"It takes two to tango" I said forcing a gentle laugh as I rinsed my mouth out with water before reaching for my toothbrush and toothpaste, "I'm sorry for last night" he stated as he inched towards me scared of what was too much.

"Its okay, I understand" I mumbled while moving the toothbrush around in my mouth, "no it's not, I hurt you" he said feeling suddenly brave as he wrapped his arms around my frail body. I'm not sure whether to yell at him of hug him.

"Max it's okay really" I said spitting the minty toothpaste out and rinsing my mouth with water once again, I glanced up at him in the mirror noticing his puffy eyes staring right back at me.

"I'm serious when I said I wasn't leaving, I wanna do this with you" he said sneaking his wounded hand around my waist and gently rubbing circles around my bloated belly using his thumb. "What happened" I asked placing my hand on top of his referring to the dried blood he had recently washed away.

"Squeezed my fist a little too hard" he said before lightly pecking me on the cheek, I wasn't sure what happened but I instantly broke inside. "I'm scared" I mumbled out as my eyes welled up with tears, how am I supposed to manage a toddler and a newborn.

"Why schat" he asked spinning my waist around before guiding me to sit on the counter, "I'm not ready for another child" I whispered as a singular tear fell onto my cheek but max quickly wiped it away using the pad of his thumb.

"Because things aren't always planned" he mumbled before placing his forehead against mine, I sat not speaking as my body filled with anxiety. "We created wilder without meaning to, we'll love this baby just as much" he said before lightly placing a kiss onto my lips.

"Another mini Max" I said laughing in disbelief, I feel like I'm about to wake up from a nightmare. "You don't know it's a boy" he said smiling as he rested his head into the crook of my neck.

"I was right with Wild" I said smirking before placing my hand onto the back of his neck and gently running my fingers through his hair, "we'll find out in a few months" he said smiling up at me. I could tell he was petrified. I watched as he let out a yawn causing me to follow before we both bursted into laughter.

"Let's get you back to bed" I said shooting him a light smile as I jokingly pushed his shoulder back before carefully hopping off of the counter as my feet hit the floor, "more like let's get you to bed" he said letting out a light laugh as he stepped towards the doorway.

"Come here" I said as my smile fell and I stuck my arms straight out before he engulfed me in a tight hug, "I'm never losing you again" he mumbled as my hair tickled his lips. "Im never leaving you again" I said smiling up at him as he leant his head down pulling me in for a kids. There was no passion, no lust but only love.

He pulled away from me before reaching his hand out insinuating for me to grab it, I closed the gap between us morphing my hand with his as he began walking towards the hallway towards my room as he dragged me behind him. No words were exchanged as we climbed back into my bed.

"I'm gonna have to find a bigger place, me and wilder barely fit in here no way we're fitting another person I stated as I rested my head against his chest and he pulled the blankets over my body.

"Maybe, do you have a doctor appointment yet" he asked changing the subject as he used to his to massage my scalp, "in three day, you'll be gone but it's only to confirm my pregnancy" I said answer his question. He didn't answer but I could tell he was nodding his head.

"Hey Char" he said as I closed my eyes on the verge of drifting back into a state of peace, "mhm" I mumbled shuffling my face deeper into his bare chest. "Move to Monaco with me" he stated catching me totally off guard. What the actual fuck.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ Charlotte_Smith I think it's about time I move?@ maxverstappen1 I agree

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@ Charlotte_Smith I think it's about time I move?
@ maxverstappen1 I agree. 🙋🏼
@ haileybieber LA!
@ nina I'll help decorate.

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now