Far far away. (10)

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm blasting as it radiated my eardrums, I rolled over hitting snooze before it went off again. I pulled myself out of bed and threw on a RedBull t-Shirt and some random black shorts. I grabbed my already packed suitcases and made my way to the lobby.

"Look who's decided to show up" Christian said from a distance as I walked towards him, "it's fucking early" I said attempting to keep my eyes open but the urge to shut them was strong. "You can sleep on the plane, airports only 10 minutes away" he said placing his hand onto my back and pushed me out the door.

"I need coffee" I said climbing into the back seat of the van as the door swung behind me, "you can get some on the plane, how's everyone doing with the father announcement" he asked while buckling himself in. "My phones blowing up but I haven't answered anyone, I've only talked to Kelly, my mom and dad" I said as the car started to move and I wiped sleep out of from my eyes.

"What did they say" he asked curiously, I can't blame the guy for wanting to know. "Kelly's mad, my dads mad but my moms excited" I said scrolling through my recent texts. "How about you, how are you taking all of this" he asked as we pulled onto a Main Street.

"I'm upset that he was kept from me but I'm excited to be in his life" I said while shuffling in my seat attempting to find a comfortable position. "Well you know I will always support you Max" Christian said as we turned into the airport, "thank you" I said sending a fake smile his way.

"Shit we have to run, bags don't need to be checked" Christian said looking at his phone, "why" I asked while quickly hopping out of the car and grabbing my bag before it drove off. "We got to the tarmac early, another plane is waiting on us" he said and began running through the airport, I threw my backpack over my shoulder and dragged my luggage with my free hand behind me. We began booking it until we reached out gate, both of us now out of breath.

"Hurry" the captain said as he stood by the door and we quickly piled onto my jet. "How longs the flight" I asked taking my seat, "umm 10 hours I think" Christian said while putting his luggage in the overhead bin. "Fuck that I'm going to sleep, the sun isn't even up yet" I said as I grabbed a blanket and began reclining my chair back.

"I should probably do the same, I haven't slept yet" he said taking a seat across from me, "what the fuck why, you're always asleep by 12" I asked confused by the sudden change of behaviour. "I was trying to keep all the media stuff with you and the baby under control" he said fixing his pillow under his head.

"shit man I'm sorry" I said wrapping the blanket tighter around my body, "No it's okay, you're a father now and that's all you need to be worrying about" Christian said smiling extra big at the father part.

"goodnight old man" I said as I smirked and rolled over, "I think you're an old man now too, dad" he said and I could practically hear the smile on his face, I unwrapped the blanket from my arm and flipped him off before laying my head down and drifting off to sleep.

"Max wake up we're here" Christian said shaking me awake, "shit no way I slept that long" I asked rubbing my eyes and sitting up not sure if it was true or not. "I wish I did, have you not been sleeping well" he asked as I stretched before standing up trying not to topple over, "not really since I found out about Wilder" I replied before grabbing my luggage and followed Christian to the front of the plane.

"Why's it dark" I asked finally adjusting to my surroundings, "they are 5 hours ahead, it's after 7pm" Christian said as we stepped into the cold night air sending goosebumps down my spine. "Fuck it's cold" I said holding my bags tightly and running into the airport, "Max fuck, watch out" Christian said as we were suddenly swarmed by men with cameras.

"Max are you actually a father","Max was your son a secret", "Max did you know about Charlottes pregnancy" they asked as I was suddenly blind by the flash of the cameras, security rushed over blocking a way for me to rush out the back door.

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now