50 years later. (5)

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I sat on my porch swing as the wind blew my short white hair over my shoulders, a book clenched between my fingers.

I glanced down the long driveway seeing a black car pull up with a light honk of a horn, I pulled my achy body off of the swing before walking towards the thin wooden railing as Max stepped out from the car swinging a backpack over his shoulder before plopping his cane in front of him and walking up the driveway.

"Come here" I mumbled softly seeing heartbreak painted all over his face as his eyes filled with tears at the sight of me, "I can't believe he's gone" he mumbled resting his head into the crock of my neck. "Christian was a wonderful man Max, he loved you so much" I said lifting my hand to gently run my fingers through his hair.

"He was more of a dad to me then my own" he said lifting his sad eyes to meet my glance, "his death was worse then my own dad" he said letting out a shaky breath. "Let's get you inside" I said placing my hand on his back guiding him up the porch steps and into our house.

I know Christian would've wanted me at his funeral but I just couldn't do it, I don't want my last image of him to be him laying in a casket but instead him dancing around his backyard drinking a beer and cooking for everyone... he loved to host dinners.

The house these days was oddly quiet, all of our children off in different countries with their growing families, some even having grandchildren now.

Max sat himself down on the couch as our two cats immediately snuggled into his lap as he gently pet them, "they love you" I whispered into his ear sitting next to him before petting the grey cat.

"We're next" he mumbled resting his head onto the back of the couch letting out a light groan, "don't say that" I said laughing before swatting him with my hand. "It's true" he said defensively holding his arms up in the air surrendering, "we lived a good life though" I said resting my head onto his shoulder.

"Can I tell you something" he mumbled into my ear while wrapping his arms around me, "what is it" I asked spinning my head around to face him. "Remember when I said I would never forgive you for keeping Wilder from me" he said in a gentle voice, the thought of me ever doing that makes my stomach turn.

"I forgive you" he said resting his forehead against mine as I short him a light smile, "I mean it Charlotte, if you never did that there's a chance we wouldn't have had the rest of our children" he said using his shaky hand to grip my chin.

"I love you" I whispered, a word that we exchange constantly like we're teenagers in love all over again. "I love you" he said pushing his lips against mine as we moved in synch, he softly pulled away before looking into my eyes.

"So beautiful" he whispered studying my facial features, "so handsome" I mumbled back resting my hand onto his cheek using my thumb to stroke his cheek as the cats purred beneath us in Max's lap.

If someone told 19 year old me that me and Max would be here 50 years later... I would have laughed in their face.

But here we are, me and Max. What's mine is his, it's us forever and ever.

We're infinite my love.

Omg guys I'm actually crying over the thought of this book being over, the last five months of my life has been spent planning and writing this :')

If you stuck around to finish the whole thing I actually love you and thank you so much for the support!

Feel free to read my new book Just a hookup - A Charles Leclerc story!!!

-Nia <3

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now