A breath of fresh air. (35)

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I stood in the living room with Wilder on my hip as Charles helped Max stumble his way into our penthouse, "all good man" Charles asked gently as he helped Max onto the couch.

Seeing him home is the biggest relief I could ever ask for, he's okay. I glanced my eyes towards Wilder as he hid his face in my shoulder scared to look at his father, Max sat with multiple different patterns of stitches scattered across his face with a black eye as his broken arm sat in a full cast now.

"Daddies home, you haven't seen him in a about week" I said softly taking a seat next to Max as Wilder shuffled in my arms putting a distance between him and Max, "it's daddy" Max said softly before rubbing his sons back but Wilder refused to look at him.

"He hates me again" he said as sadness washed over his face, "he doesn't hate you, he's just nervous" I said reaching my hand out before using my thumb to caress Max's cheek as he sunk into my touch.

"If you need anything just give me a call" Charles said waving with a light smile as he disappeared out the front door, "you have to take your medicine" I said to Max glancing at the time on my phone as he placed his hands on his face before groaning.

I stood up shifting Wilder on my hip as we walked to the kitchen, I wanted to leave him with Max hoping he'll warm up to his new look for the next few weeks but I can't risk him crying around Max's head. I poured Max's dose of pills into my hand before grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and making my way back into the living room.

"Take these" I said gently placing the pills into his good hand before twisting open the cap on the water bottle, I watched him toss the four pills into his mouth before reaching for the water bottle and making a sour face as he swallowed sharply.

"Still don't like them" I asked raising an eyebrow as I smirked at him before he eagerly shook his head no, "they get stuck in my throat" he said grossed out as he took another sip of his water in attempt to wash the stuck pills down.

I went to switch the hip Wilder sat on feeling my back was beginning to ache when I realized he had fallen asleep, his lips slightly parted as his eyes remained shut while his head laid on my shoulder. "He's asleep, I'm gonna go put him in his crib" I whispered to Max before disappearing down the hall and into his room.

I gently laid Wilder into his crib trying overly careful to not wake him up when he began to shift, I mentally cursed myself waiting for him to cry when he flipped over to his stomach remaining asleep, thank fuck I thought to myself as I left his room quietly shutting the door behind me.

"I'm back" I said walking into the living room, "hi schat" Max said sending a light smile my way as he smushed his cheek into the couch pillow. "Your so handsome" I mumbled walking towards him before gently running my fingers through his hair desperately trying to avoid knocking a stitch.

"your stuck with me if you think I look good like this'll" he said smirking referring to the state he's currently in, "you always look good" I said leaning down and placing his lips against mine as he hungrily kissed back.

"No no, wait till that head of yours is fixed" I said laughed as he groaned dramatically whining as I disappeared into the kitchen, I looked throughout the cupboards for something simple to make but failed miserably knowing me and Wilder ate all the easy meals while Max was in the hospitals.

I pulled a box of frozen hamburgers out of the freezer before placing four of them onto a trey and placing them into the oven, it's not the best but it'll do I thought to myself as I set a timer on the oven and returned to the living room to find a sleeping Max on the couch. It felt weird having a moment to myself, this past week has been spent with either Max or Wilder glued to my side.

I quietly walked down the hallway desperate not wake my boyfriend or son as I closed myself in the washroom, I turned to the shower turning on the water before looking at myself in the mirror and smiling to myself.

I gently ran my hand over my freshly popped fourteen week bump knowing this is a pregnancy I can be excited about, at this stage with Wilder I felt so unbelievably low and wished for the test to miraculously turn negative. It never did and now I have my sweet baby boy, I wish I could back in time and hug that 19 year old girl that was petrified to have a baby.

I stripped myself from my clothes before stepping into the stream of warm water, I grabbed the bottle of shampoo and lathered it into my scalp before rinsing it out and grabbing the conditioner. I grabbed my razor and quickly shaved my legs before shutting off the water and wrapping a towel around my growing body.

I brushed my hair with a wide tooth comb after realizing my hairbrush was in the car, I quickly made my way to mine and Max's room tossing on a simple pyjama set before walking back out to the living room. I glanced at the couch seeing Max was still asleep before making my way into the kitchen, turning off the oven and placing the tray of burger patties on top of the stove.

I had no urge to cut up toppings, even more so with me being the only one eating so a piece of cheese and a bun will do, as tiring as these past few weeks have been I'm so happy to be back with my little family.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ Charlotte_Smith So happy to have my boy back home 🤍@ haileybieber Yay!!!@ maxverstappen1 I love you

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@ Charlotte_Smith So happy to have my boy back home 🤍
@ haileybieber Yay!!!
@ maxverstappen1 I love you.
@ RedBullFan1 When is he cleared to race?

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now