All mine. (12)

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"Good morning my baby" I said picking Wilder up from his crib before taking a seat on the rocking chair, "we have a busy day today buddy" I said while stroking his hair as I fed him. He began rubbing his eyes blocking out the light that shined in from my bedroom.

"You are so handsome" I whispered as I picked him up and he gently placed his head on my shoulder as we continued rocking.

I stood up and placed him onto a play mat on the floor as he pushed himself up attempting to crawl but failed miserably, I giggled to myself before beginning to find him an outfit. The sun was absolutely blazing today so I picked out a pair of little light blue shorts with a matching shirt and a white bucket hat, I tossed his outfits onto my bed before scooping him up and making my way into the kitchen.

"What do you wanna eat" I said smiling at him as I placed him into his high chair knowing he wouldn't respond as he blew spit bubbles all over his chest soaking his pyjamas, "what about a banana" I questioned before picking a banana up from the counter and slowly removing the peel. I placed the banana into a bowl and took a fork mashing it up into mush, gosh I could never eat this.

I placed a bib around his neck before shovelling scoops of banana into his mouth, kid eats like his dad. I scooped the last bit of banana out from in the bowl giving him the last bite before placing the bowl into the sink. "All sticky" I said smiling at him before grabbed a wet wipe and wiping down his face and hands not caring about his pyjamas.

We made our way back towards my bedroom before I sat him in his bouncer and handed him a toy to be able to get myself ready, makeup was the last thing I cared about today considering I'd just sweat it all off anyways in this heat. I slid on a pair of black biker shorts, a black sports bra and a thin brown hoodie before placing a black Nike hat onto my head.

"Mama" Wilder said talking to himself as I made my way towards him, "say mama" I said picking him up and hovering him in the air but all he did was stair at me. I gently laid him on my bed taking off his pyjamas and changing his diaper, I slid his clothes on before gently placing the bucket hat onto his head before my phone rang.

"Hello" I said hitting answer as I picked up wilder and began nursing him, "what's my baby doing" Max asked from the other side as I heard all sorts of noises from around him, "he's good just eating right now, about to go for a walk" I said rubbing his leg with my thumb.

"I miss him" Max said and I could hear the sadness that laced his voice, "if you want to come after your Grand Prix you can you know" I said as Wilder leant back before I sat him up.

"Really" Max asked shocked by my response as I picked up Wilder and my phone before walking towards the front door, "yeah you're always welcome, well most of the time" I said laughing as I placed the baby into his stroller. "I gotta go but I'll get Christian to set up my flight, tell Wild I love him" Max said quickly as I could hear him being rushed in the background, "goodbye Max" I said smiling as the call ended.

"Daddies gonna come see you" I said to Wilder as I placed a thin receiving blanket over his legs before sliding on my shoes, I grabbed my purse and swung it over my shoulder before leaving the apartment locking the door behind me.

The streets were lined with tourists and teens only just making their way home from a night out, I really don't miss those days. I decided to go to a small café considering I still haven't eaten breakfast, I ordered a bagel and a water before taking a seat in a small booth in the corner.

"Oh he's gorgeous" an older lady said as she peaked her head into the stroller, "thank you" I said genuinely smiling at her. "Gosh I know moms hate this but he looks nothing like you, does he look like his daddy" she questioned smiling at me. "Almost like twins" I said as Wilder began to coo, "I miss these days, my kids are all grown up now" she said as a sad expression took over her face.

"He's only 8 months, almost 9 but I swear this is what made me realize what my parents meant when they always said I grew up too fast" I said reaching by his feet pricking up a boy before handing it to him, "it really is true, one second your holding your baby and the next your holding your grandchild" she said as another lady joined her.

"Oh my god I'm not ready to think about that" I said looking at my baby, "I better get going, your doing amazing mom" she said smiling at me before waking away and I felt my eyes tear up. I had spent the past eight months of my child's life practically hiding him from the world, no one ever told me I was a good mom but here this old lady was telling me everything I needed to hear.

I quickly scarfed down the rest of my bagel and took a sip of my water before handing it to Wild to hold, we left the café and made our way down an old road to the river. This river holds so many memories for me I can't even count them on two hands.

This was the first place to came after moving into my apartment after leaving Max, where I broke down and wondered if I would be able to raise a child all on my own. The place I came all throughout my pregnancy finding an odd sense of peace here, the first place I took wilder after he was born which quickly became part of almost every day and the place me and Max took Wilder to together after letting him back into our life's.

"How did I get so lucky" I wondered as I glanced down at my baby and he smiled at me, I gently rubbed his cheek as the waves crashed behind us and his eyes slowly fell shut. This is our special spot my sweet boy.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ Charlotte_Smith Don't mind us, just on our daily hot mom walk 🤭@ nina Where's my invite?@ haileybieber Stop I'm gonna have a baby rn

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@ Charlotte_Smith Don't mind us, just on our daily hot mom walk 🤭
@ nina Where's my invite?
@ haileybieber Stop I'm gonna have a baby rn.
@ maxverstappen1 My baby boy 🤍

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now