My boy (pt 2). (7)

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"Hi" I said as I opened the door revealing Max standing on the other side holding a bag in his hand, "Hi" he said quietly as he stepped into my apartment and placed the bag onto the floor next to his feet as I closed the door behind him.

"What did you bring" I asked trying to break the tension as he slipped off his shoes and handed me the bag. I pulled it open to see that it was filled with toys and little outfits catching me totally off guard, he reached over my shoulder and dug to the bottom pulling out a RedBull sleeper with his number in the top right corner.

"I can take it back if you don't like it" he suggested scratching the back of his neck, "don't it's cute" I said sending him a weak smile. That was a lie, no son of mine will ever been seen in something like that.

"Come on in" I said as I handed the bag back to Max and made my way to the living room taking a seat next to Wilder on the living room floor, Max sat on the couch across the room not sure exactly where he fit in as the room fell more awkward then before.

"Don't be shy, he's half yours" I said nervously laughing as Max hesitantly slid off the couch and moved closer to Wilder. Wilder took a quick glance at Max before turning all his attention back to the Tv remote he stole off of the couch. He didn't care he was there.

I could tell Max was hurt, his eyes looked almost empty and you could tell he was exhausted. "Max what can I get you to drink" I said as I stood up and started walking to the kitchen, "just a water please" he said shifting his attention to me for a split second before returning it to Wilder.

I grabbed two cold water bottles from the fridge, I've never been the fancy type when it came to drinks. As I turned the corner back to the living room Max had shifted his body closer to where our son was sitting but Wilder only moved farther away from him.

"Here" I said as I handed Max the cold water and he placed it down next to his leg, "he doesn't like me" he said excepting defeat as his eyes glicened over. "You have to play with him watch" I said as I grabbed a Mickey Mouse doll from the toy box beside the couch and sat next to Max before beginning to sing the theme song.

Wilder quickly turned to face me as a massive smile formed on his face and he quickly crawled towards me practically sitting between Max's legs. "Give him one of the toys you got him" I said as Max began picking through the bag of toys before pulling out a little wooden blue car and placing it in front of him.

Wilder crawled up to Max and handed him the car before Max looked at me confused. "He wants you to make a car noise" I said as Max began driving the car up his leg and making engine noises, Wilder started laughing and clapping causing a smile to show on Max's face. "See you've got it" I said as I finally let myself breathe maybe this won't be as bad as I originally thought.

"Can I hold him" Max asked looking at me anxiously waiting for my answer, "of course, here sit on the couch" I said as I picked up Wilder and Max took a seat behind us on the couch.

"Close your legs and just wrap your arms around him" I said as I lightly placed Wilder on Max's lap. "Lotte he's beautiful" Max said examining our sons face up close for the first time as he played with his little blue car. I felt my body paralyze, I haven't heard anyone call me that since we broke up.

"I know he is isn't he" I said forcing words out as I ran my fingers through Wilders hair before taking a seat a few cushions down from them. I pulled out my phone as snapped a few pictures of them before Max saw my phone and obligated against them, he never was a picture guy.

I sat waiting for Wilder to try and escape Max's lap knowing he doesn't stay still but that time never came, he seemed instantly comfortable with him which left me shocked after this morning's meeting. I took a quick glance at Max's face when I noticed he was crying.

"Do you want me to take him" I asked standing up instantly concerned, "no it's okay, I'm just a little overwhelmed" he said as he smiled down at his son letting his tears fall. "Are you okay if I start dinner" I asked noticing it was already almost five and felt the need to give them some alone time. "Yeah, if I need anything I'll call you" he said as I walked into the kitchen and began making spaghetti.

"Charlotte, I think he's hungry" Max said in a concerned tone as I rounded the corner to see Wilder chewing on Max's fingers. "Here let me take him, do you want to cook his dinner" I asked Max while placing Wilder onto my hip. "Baby food" Max asked while taking a sip of his water, "no scrambled eggs" I said while holding back a laugh. "Ohh yeah, I can cook those" he said smiling at me before standing up and walking towards the kitchen.

"Grab a pan from above the sink" I said while buckling Wilder into his high chair, "this one" Max asked holding a black pan with a silver handle. "Yes that works" I replied walking over to my homemade sause and taking it off the heat. "Where's the eggs" Max asked opening the fridge looking clueless. "Here let me get them, maybe get him a new toy he seems pissed" I suggest as Wilder began to whine in the high chair.

"I like this one" Max said as he pulled a steering wheel from the toy bag, "he'll love that" I said as Max placed it onto the tray and wilder instantly went silent with a smile beaming on his face. "I put the eggs next to the pan" I told him as I placed a strainer inside the sink and strained the noodles. The kitchen fell silent as Max scrambled the eggs and I finished off the pasta before placing it aside.

"I broke them up in little pieces but they are still hot" max said poking the eggs with his index finger, "put them in the fridge" I said as Max put the little blue plate on the top shelf. "You see that blue bottle" I said referring to the one in the dish tray, "yeah" Max said as he picked it up.

"Can you grab a water bottle from under the sink and put 2 ounces in it" I said while grabbing two glass plates from the cabinet and placing them down on the counter, I watched out of the corner of my eye as max measured the water trying to get it exact, he didn't need to do that but I didn't want to interfere. I piled pasta onto the plates not asking Max how he liked his considering I already knew.

"Wine" I asked spinning my head around and smiling at Max, "just a bit" he said as he placed forks on the table and opened the fridge grabbing Wilders eggs. I filled a cup with red wine and placed it onto the table before putting the spaghetti plates down. "How many do I give him" Max asked looking clueless at the plate of eggs, "he'll eat them all, just give him a few at a time" I said grabbing my water and taking a seat at the table.

I watched as Max moved Wilders toys and replaced them with his water and eggs, awkward would be an understatement for this dinner. We sat in silence the only noise being our forks scratching our plates and Wilders humming over his eggs.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ Charlotte_Smith Call me a chef at this point 💁🏻‍♀️@ user792 Looks gross ngl@ haileybieber Where was my invitation?@ nina Omw over rn

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@ Charlotte_Smith Call me a chef at this point 💁🏻‍♀️
@ user792 Looks gross ngl
@ haileybieber Where was my invitation?
@ nina Omw over rn.

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now