Angel baby. (30)

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I quickly chugged a water bottle mentally cursing myself for not drinking it in the car as my little family sat in an empty waiting room, of course Max paid them clear the place out for an hour.

"Wilder don't touch that" I said as he reached for a pen sat on a table, he turned to me and instantly started laughing before running to an opposite corner of the room.

"Let the boy be" Max said laughing as he threw the pen towards Wilder watching it bounce across the hardwood floor before landing at his feet, "if he draws on the walls you get to clean it" I said shaking my head as my body filled with anxiety. I wasn't sure if it was Wilder having a pen or my upcoming ultrasound.

"Mrs Smith" an older lady asked while walking towards us clutching a clipboard between her arms, "that's me" I said smiling as I stood up with Max quickly following my actions.

"I'm going to take just you back to take measurements and make sure everything is going okay before your son and husband follow, is that alright" she asked as I glanced at Max catching him smile over the husband part before looking back at her and nodding my head.

"Great, follow me" she said before turning around and beginning to walk down a hallway into a room on the left, "watch him with that pen" I said sternly to Max as he held his hands up in defence before I followed the lady.

"When was the beginning of your last period" she asked as I stripped myself from my pants and placed a thin blue piece of paper over my crotch, "October third" I replied smiling knowing I triple checked in the car. She quickly flipped pages on her clipboard jotting down notes.

"This is going to be very uncomfortable but it's normal" she said sliding a chair to the foot of the bed before picking up a long white probe, "I've had a few of these" I said shooting her an awkward smile. She separated my legs before beginning the transvaginal ultrasound.

I nervously picked at the treads on my t-shirt as she placed all her focus on the screen in front of her, no matter how hard I tried to steal glances there was no hope as the screen was turned too far her way.

"Kristan grab the man in the waiting room for me" she asked peeking into the hallway at a young girl before she eagerly nodded her head and disappeared down the hall, it only took a few seconds before Max and Wilder entered the dark room.

"What's that" Max whispered to me as panic painted his face referring to the probe peeking out from between my legs, "it's the ultrasound hun" the technician said while laughing catching Max off guard. He's always been horrible at whispering.

Max took a seat next me to resting Wilder on his lap as the lady turned the screen to face us but we were met with a grey screen, I felt my heart sink into my stomach but felt relieved when she wiggled the probe revealing our baby.

"Everything's okay" I asked sucking a deep breath in, "perfect" she said smiling as she flicked the sound on and the room was met with a light heartbeat. I glanced at Max to see his eyes planted on the screen and a smile plastered on his face.

"That's our baby" I said smiling at Max as his eyes filled with tears, "we made that" he said confidently before placing his hand in mine. "Your exactly eight weeks today" the lady said as she began snapping pictures.

"Wilder that's our baby" I said smiling at my unimpressed son noticing the pen ink that covered his arms, "no" he said causing us all to burst out in laughter. "Sorry buddy but the babies staying" Max said smiling as he pecked our son on the cheek while the woman removed the probe.

"Do you guys want the pictures" the lady asked me and Max referring to the ultrasound pictures, "yes please" Max said before I could even get a word out. We sat in silence as she turned the screen back towards herself before the printer behind her turned on.

"Here you guys go, we'll see you back at 18 weeks she said smiling before handing Max an envelope as I put my pants back on, "thank you" he said smiling from ear to ear as he stood to his feet before helping me up.

The ride home was filled with Max excitedly talking my ear off, it's crazy to think neither of us wanted this baby at the start but now here we are gushing over the thought of a second child.

"You go lay down, I'll get him down for his nap" Max said bouncing our son on his hip as he tiredly laid his head on Max's shoulder. "Thank you" I said leaning towards him and pecking his lips before he disappeared down the long hallway.

I sat on the couch pulling the envelope out of my purse before carefully tearing the top open, I flipped it upside down as the ultrasound pictures fell into my hand.

I smiled to myself admiring what me and Max have created for a second time, my eyes fell to my raspberry sized baby in the pictures as the took in two tiny arms and the two tiny legs that were just beginning to grow. I placed my hand onto my bump slightly rubbing my belly as Max came curling around the corner.

"Let me see my baby" he said smiling as he plopped himself onto the couch next to me, I tilted the picture towards him as he lifted his arm gently running his finger across it.

"I'm so excited" he said smiling as his blue eyes glowed from the light shining in through the window. "Daddy times two" I said laughing as he pulled me into his arms, "it could be three if you called me that" he mumbled burying his head into my shoulder. "Gosh stop it, never" I said laughing as I pushed his arm off of me.

"Hi baby, it's your daddy" he spoke as he leant towards my belly lightly placing his head on top, "I already love you so much, I can't wait to meet you" he said as his eyes suddenly darted towards mine.

"It kicked" he said excitedly causing me to burst out laughing, "Max it didn't kick, it won't for awhile" I said wiping the tears that were now falling from my eyes as I smiled from ear to ear.

"Oh, maybe your just hungry" he said standing on his feet, "I actually am" I said groaning at the thought of food. "Come on let's go make lunch" he said as he pulled me to my feet before placing a light kiss onto my temple before moving to my lips. I could get used to this.

@ maxverstappen1

@ maxverstappen1 My favourite people! 🤍@ Charlotte_Smith The best guy!@ charles_leclerc Convince Alex to have a baby with me, this isn't fair

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@ maxverstappen1 My favourite people! 🤍
@ Charlotte_Smith The best guy!
@ charles_leclerc Convince Alex to have a baby with me, this isn't fair.
@ landonorris Can I babysit?

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now