A night to remember. (26)

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I sat on the couch practically laying on the little white box hid behind a pillow while awkwardly looking between Max and Wilder, how do I tell a man who became a father 5 months ago that we were about to do this all over again.

"Are you okay" Max asked raising an eyebrow as he leant over me gently placing his hand onto my chin lifting my face up to look at his, "yeah" I said while using the last of my energy to force a smile at him. I'd by lying if I said so far this first trimester has been fun, I figure I'm around two months and it's already worse then Wilders pregnancy by a landslide.

"Are you sure" he asked lifting a finger from his opposite hand and softly moving a piece of my fallen hair behind my ear, "I'm just a little tired" I said leaning my face more into his palm as my heart began to race. "Why don't I put Wilder down to bed and we can watch a movie" he suggested while leaning down to place a light kiss onto my forehead before removing his hand.

"I actually need to talk to you once he's asleep" I said shifting in my seat and picking at the skin that surround my nails, "okay" he said nervously before picking up Wilder and making his way down the hallway. I placed my hand onto my head and viciously began rubbing my temples, I fiddled with my fingers before I heard his footsteps down the hallway began to sound closer and closer.

"If I did anything wrong I'm sorry" Max said quickly as he rounder the corner and came to a dead stop as he nervously starred at me, "huh" I said confused as I shifted my attention onto him.

"Your breakup up with me, right" he asked as he stepped closer to me slowly shifting his feet against my hardwood floors, "no" I said and couldn't help but laugh. Only if he knew what I was about to tell him.

"Sit down" I said as my smile fell and I patted the spot on the couch to my right, Max reluctantly sat next to me but shifted around in his seat as he struggled to find a comfy position. "What up" he asked leaning back against the couch finally finding comfort as he ran his fingers down my back causing my body to shiver in response.

"Don't be mad at me" I said as I slowly slid the little white box out from under the pillow and placed it into his lap, he glanced between me and the box not sure what to do or say as the tension in the room grew thicker and thicker.

"You got me a present" he said while laughing as he slowly peeled off the little white bow, I felt my hands begin to tremble as I placed a pillow between us in attempt to create some distance... in attempt to remove myself from this situation.

I watched closely as Max jokingly tossed the little white bow at me before removing the lid of the box, I watched as his smile quickly fell along with the colour in his face as he glanced into the box. "That's not funny Charlotte" he said as confusion laced his voice, "it's not a joke" I whispered as I felt my eyes fill with tears, I knew this wouldn't end good.

"Charlotte no, no I can't do this" Max said quickly standing up causing the box and its contents to crash against the floor, "I don't know how it happened, it was only once" I said as tears began to fall onto my cheeks.

"I gotta go" he said while digging around in his pockets for his keys as he attempted to put on his shoes as fast as possible, "Max don't do this" I said placing my hand against my mouth to prevent the sobs that were threatening to escape at any moment.

It was almost as if I was watching how I left him from his side, him leaving me this time around. I watched as he quickly threw open my front door practically throwing himself into the hall as the door slammed behind him. I didn't chase after him, leaving was his choice.

I felt my knees fall weak as I felt my body crash against the tile floor in my kitchen, I pushed my body up against the island and brought my knees to my chest as I struggled to breathe. "No, no" I sobbed out to myself hoping he'd hear me and come back but it was no help, he was already gone.

I glanced down at the screensaver on my phone as Max's face haunted me, he leant against his car as wilder sat on the hood wearing a little RedBull jersey with Max's first place hat that was obviously too big for him placed on his head. My two boys, Max's long lost twin born through me brought back together by time.

I wasn't sure if I was sad anymore as anger took over, not at myself, not at Max and not at our son but instead as our unborn child. A child that now separated a family that was finally brought back together, a second child that me and Max had created together. My body and his.

I gripped my phone between my hands before chucking it across the room as it smashed against the leg of the couch, it only took a second before I regretted it. I quickly crawled towards the lifeless phone that now sat permanently on a black screen as little white cracks spread across the screen with every light touch.

I felt hopeless and I felt lost as I let my body crumbled back into the ground but instead this time in my living room, I cried until I couldn't anymore and my eyes fell dry. I reached my hand out grasping the box between my fingers before dragging it towards me as it slid the contents inside it beneath it.

I looked at the two pregnancy tests that once sat on top before picking up the little white onesie and pack of soothers that once found a home in the box. I clenched the objects against my chest as I laid my head against the ground, beyond exhausted by the events I had just experienced.

I felt my eyes begin to fall heavy and let that feeling take over, if sleeping could be what got me out of this situation id take it.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ Charlotte_Smith Hoping he never talks back to me! 🤍@ haileybieber The sweetest mama and baby!@ nina Awe! he'll def talk back

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@ Charlotte_Smith Hoping he never talks back to me! 🤍
@ haileybieber The sweetest mama and baby!
@ nina Awe! he'll def talk back.
@ User379 Here before the dutchman?

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now