Get better my love. (25)

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I clenched the toilet bowl as the thick plastic dug into my fingertips, I used my free hand to hold my loose hair in place above my head as I threw up last nights dinner.

I leant back on my heels letting my brown hair fall back onto my shoulders using a tissue to wipe the corners of my mouth as my body shuttered from the vile taste that has now filled my mouth.

"Your still sick" Max questioned from the other side of the bathroom door, "yeah" I groaned finding my way back to my feet and flushing the toilet. "I'd go see a doctor, it's been a week" he said as I heard Wilders fist lightly knock on the door.

I'd be lying if I said the last week was easy, Me and Max spent our time flipping back and forth from sleeping on an air mattress on the floor and my bed. The day after Max got sick Wilder did too, this past week has been filled with cleaning up vomit.

"Maybe, I'll give it a few more days" I said lightly gripping my stomach and reaching for a small paper cup to rinse my mouth when I realized there were none left, "if you aren't better by Wednesday I'll call for you" Max said as his footsteps lightly fell down the hallway chasing a light patter.

I bent down and reached under the sink for the new pack of paper cups when my eye caught something, an unopened box of tampons. I felt my hands start to tremble as I dug around in my pockets looking for my phone, I quickly opened my period app when my breath got stuck in my throat.

"No, please no" I whispered to myself as the words I read began to haunt me, three weeks late. A second wave of nausea hit as my eyes fell to the tiny stack of pregnant tests sat behind the cups.

I quickly threw my body back against the toilet and threw up the last of anything that could possibly be in there, I raised my hand pressing it lightly against my temple as my eyes darted back to the unopened tests.

I wiped my mouth once more and tears pricked my eyes as I reached down grabbing the pack of cups before standing back up and gently opening them. I opened the box with shaky hands taking a cup and filling it with water as I rinsed out my mouth before brushing my teeth.

When I was pregnant with Wilder I bought pregnant tests in bulk, up until six months I took one everyday in hopes that the lines would disappear. Now that I have my son I would never go back and wish for those lines to go away, but as a 18 years old girl I did.

"Do you need anything" Max asked while lightly tapping on the door gaining my attention, "no, I'll be out soon" I said bluntly starring at myself in the mirror. "Okay, I'm gonna make Wilder breakfast" Max said as I heard wilder calling for him in the distance. I didn't answer, I had no words left to speak as I heard his footsteps disappear once again.

As my hands trembled I bent down and reached for an unopened box, I stood up slowly grazing the seal with my nail watching it slowly pop open revealing a bright blue bag. "Fuck" I mumbled looking up and blinking in attempt to stop the tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes.

I dumped the blue bag into my hand slowly tearing the top off and slipping out the all too familiar test, my eyes darting to the instructions before letting out a slight giggle. There's absolutely no way I found myself in this situation again.

I situated myself on the toilet letting out a deep sigh as I took the test, I placed a tissue down on the counter before placing the test on top of it face down. Three minutes, I only have to wait three minutes I thought to myself as I carefully watched the time tick on my phone.

"Mama, outside" Wilder said from the other side of the door causing me to jump, "buddy come here, leave mama alone" Max said as I heard my son giggle, I can only assume he picked him up.

I reached by hand forward picking up the test praying with everything in me for it to be blank, I gently flipped it over as my world came crashing down around me once again.

"No no no, it was only once" I whispered as tears began to fall onto my cheeks and my body slid down the cold wall behind me. I looked at the test as the two pink lines looked right back at me, they were threatening to end my existence.

This can't be happening, it was literally one time I thought to myself as my breath got washed away and I gasped for air. I'll leave again and he can see Wilder with my parents I thought to myself. That couldn't happen, there was no way out of this now.

"Char, you said you were almost done 10 minutes ago" Max said tapping the door as I watched the door handle turn, I quickly slid the test into my pocket scattering to my feet. "Are you okay" he asked peaking his head around the door as I stood there like a deer in headlights, my eyes glistened with tears as guilt took over my face.

"Yeah, I'm done now" I said smiling lightly as I pushed the door open and tried to squeeze past him, "woah woah, what's wrong" he said gripping my shoulder and turning me to face him. "I just feel bad that I haven't spent much time with you this week, you leave in two days" I said forcing a small onto my lips as he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Are you sure" he asked raising his thumb before placing it onto my cheek and wiping a fallen tear, "yeah" I said avoiding his eyes at any cost. I couldn't bring myself to look at him, how am I supposed to tell the man that I slept with once that he was going to be a dad... again.

"Come here" he said wrapping an arm around my waist and placing the other onto my lower back as he pulled me into a hug, I took in a shaky breath as I placed my head into the crook of his neck.

"I'll be back next week" he said pulling apart from the hug and placing a light kiss onto my lips, "okay" I said as I forced another smile onto my face. This next few days are going to suck.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ Charlotte_Smith It was only a matter of time before the flu hit me

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@ Charlotte_Smith It was only a matter of time before the flu hit me. 🙄🙄
@ maxverstappen1 I told u I'd sleep on the couch smh
@ nina Get better soon ml
@ haileybieber Awe I'm sending you something special!

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now