Return home. (27)

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My eyes stung and my throat tightened as I ran down the apartment stairs, I felt myself become dizzier by the second as I struggled to breathe while feeling the walls close in on me.

I pushed the heavy iron door open revealing the back side of Charlottes apartment, I placed my hands onto the cold brick wall steadying my balance as my head fell more and more lightheaded.

This can't be happening, we've been dating for a month if that. I'm not ready for a second child I just barely met my first I thought to myself as I struggled to breathe in the cold Montreal air around me.

As my thoughts swam around my head I could feel my heart beating outside of my chest, I felt my throat start to burn as the vile feeling I had a few weeks ago returned once again. I learnt my head forward spilling the contents of my stomach onto the cement beneath me as bystanders quickly shuffled away.

As tears fell from my eyes and spit from my mouth I wasn't sure what to do, I stepped a few feet back till I felt my back slam against a cold metal fence and I pulled out my phone calling the one person who knows me the best, Christian.

"Hello" I chocked out as the ringing came to an end and the line fell silent, "Max it's one in the morning, are you okay" he said tiredly from the other line. Maybe I shouldn't have called him.

"Charlotte's pregnant, it's mine" I said in almost a whisper finally letting the tears that had been threatening to fall from my eyes fall onto my cheeks. "What" he asked now fully awake as he suffered around in the background, I can only assume he was moving rooms.

"I don't know how this happened" I mumbled sliding my back down the metal fence falling into a crouching position, "well obviously you know how this happened Max" Christian said from the other line, the disapproval in his voice was all too easy to read.

"It was once" I groaned placing my head back as the jagged fence dug into my scalp, "did you not use any sort of protection for fuck sake" he said as his voice began to sound angry and harsh. "No" I responded, I didn't have much left to say.

"Fuck, where are you" he asked forcing his voice to lower in tone, "behind her apartment, I ran out" I said feeling guilty for the altercation between me and Charlotte. "No you didn't" Christian said as anger laced his voice once again, not at my actions this time but me instead.

"I got scared, I ran" I said looking down noticing the blood that was now trickling down my arm from the palm of my hand and quickly released my fist before reaching my hand out and letting it drop against the concrete.

"Listen here, you've got a woman inside that apartment building who's having your baby, you understand that right" he said as I heard Geri gasp in the background, she must have just woken up. "I understand" I mumbled into my phone as I lifted my bloody hand and wiped it onto my white shirt watching the streaks of red stain the cotton.

"Do you love her" he asked catching me off guard, I fell silent. "I never stopped" I said quietly as I looked up and my eyes caught a shooting star as it shot over the apartment building. That's the truth, I never stopped loving her. I hoped being with Kelly would have changed that but it never did, it'll always be her.

"Take an hour to clear your mind okay, when that hours up I want you to go back into that apartment and apologize to her... it takes two to make a baby Max" he said sending my mind back to that one night. It wasn't just her who created our child, it was just as much me.

"Okay" I said as I reached my hand up gripping the fence, I felt a burning sensation shoot up my arm as my open wounds dug into the metal, I pulled myself to my feet. "I love you Max okay, I'm here if you need me" he said as I began walking down the sidewalk, "thank you Christian, I love you" I said before taking the phone off of my ear as he hung up.

I wondered the streets for what felt like hours, I didn't do anything except walk. People made sure to stay away from me and I wasn't sure why until I remembered the blood my shirt and arm were laced with.

I ended up spending a good hour at by the river just thinking, thinking about what my life would've looked like if Charlotte never left me. For the first time I wasn't mad thinking about what she did to me, I was upset instead.
I couldn't help but wonder what it would've been like to watch Wilder take his first breath, what those first few nights adjusting to being a parent felt like and the newborn stage as a whole.

I was practically feeling ever emotion at once when I began to think about us and our new baby, a new chapter in our lives. This time she told me, I get to be there for it all.

I arrived back at the apartments and practically tiptoed my way up to hers, I cursed myself when I realized I didn't have a key with me. I reached my hand out shaking the door handle as it popped open from under my hand, it was never locked.

I creaked the door open as slow as possible hoping to avoid the making a scene once again, I squinted my eyes in attempt to adjust to the dark living room when my eyes darting to her, asleep on the floor.

I quietly slid my shoes off before walking towards her when I noticed something in her arms, she laid asleep cuddling the contents of the baby box against her chest. I moved closer to her face gently moving fallen hair behind her ear when I noticed her tear stained cheeks, I couldn't help but blame myself.

I reached under her arms moving the baby items aside before placing them onto the couch, I gently picked her up bridal style carful not to wake her up as she twitched from my touch. I stood up making my way down the hallways and to her room before carefully laying her onto her bed before her eyes shot open.

"Shh go back to bed, I'm sorry" I said leaning forward and placing a kiss onto her forehead, "I'm sorry" she croaked out as her voice crack. "Don't be sorry schat, I'm here for our family" I mumbled gently pulling the blanket up to her shoulders and laying down next to her.

"You don't have to stay" she said almost in a whisper as she turned her head to face me again, "I want to stay and I'm going to stay" I said reaching my hand across her waist underneath the blanket and melting into her touch. "Go back to bed" I said as her eyes fell shut once again before I laid my head against hers.

To me my home is a building, but instead a person. I've returned to my home.

@ maxverstappen1

@ maxverstappen1 Clearing your head is the best thing to do

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@ maxverstappen1 Clearing your head is the best thing to do.
@ charles_leclerc Praise 🙏🏻
@ landonorris Wait I gotta start doing his.
@ danielricciardo Yes man!

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now