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I sat on the couch in Max's Monaco condo as Wilder ran around chasing his cats, I glanced down at the boats below wondering what my life could've been if I never left him.

"My sister and mom should be here soon" Max said glancing at the time on his phone, we've been here no more than 30 minutes and I'm already preparing myself to see the people I once considered family all over again.

"Wilder baby, come here" I said as I stood up grabbing a new outfit from his bag waiting till the very last minute to make him look presentable, his shirt was covered in food stains and marker lines from the flight. Kid was a wreck.

"No" he said giggling as we did laps around the island in the kitchen, I watched in slow motion as he ran straight into the fridge bashing his head before falling onto the floor.

"Fuck" I mumbled scooping him up as he screamed while rubbing his head, "what happened" Max said quickly joining us in the kitchen. "He ran into the fridge" I said desperately trying to calm him down, Max calmly reached into the freezer pulling out an ice pack before handing it to me.

I climbed onto a barstool clutching Wilder against my chest as I placed the ice pack onto his head, "ouchie" he cried out taking staggered breaths. In the mists of the madness I failed to hear the door open as Sophie, Victoria, Luka and Lio welcomed themselves in.

"What happened" Sophie asked looking between Max, me and a screaming toddler, "hi mom, he ran into the fridge" Max said pulling her into a hug.

I didn't know what to say nor did I know what to do as people who I once lived with stood in front of me and my son, people I once considered family of my own.

"Charlotte" Victoria said happily before walking towards me and opening her arms and pulling me into a hug as her little bump brushed across my shoulder, "god I missed you" I mumbled into her chest.

"Hi Wilder" she said pulling away from me and placing her arm against his back, he quickly stopped crying and buried his face into my neck looking in the opposite direction. I glanced at Max noticing he was looking straight at us trying to decide if giving his attention to the boys or Wilder was more important. I shot him a simple smile as he kneeled down pulling Luka in for a hug and tickling Lio on the cheek.

"Hi Sophie" I said standing up as Wilder wrapped his arms around my neck as I walked towards Max's mom, "darling, it's so good to see you again" she said immediately embracing me. "It's been awhile" I replied nervously laughing.

She reached her hand down rubbing her finger over Wilders cheek as he refused to look at her, "I'm sorry, he's shy" I said nervously as she smiled at me. "Max was the same exact way" she said glancing at her son as he walked behind me placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Dada" Wilder said lifting his eyes to see who was behind him before reaching his arms up as Max took him from me. "He's gonna get a pretty nasty bruise" Max said rubbing the spot on his head as he finally looked around noticing all the new faces.

"Hi Luka, Hi Leo" I said as both the boys jumped around me excitedly. "Hi" Luka said before getting nervous and hiding behind Victorias leg, Lio smiled at me before running to the toy bucket Max had set up in the corner.

"Come sit" Max said as he took a seat on the couch and I sat next to him, Wilder reached his hand over gripping the simple heart necklace that laid around my neck in attempt to keep me and Max both on the couch.

"Long flight" Sophie questioned glancing at me, "10 hours" I said as Wilder shuffled his way off of Max and onto me. "Shit if I tried taking these two on one of those I'd leave in tears" Victoria said laughing as she gestured to the two small boys playing in the corner.

"He's pretty good, we've been booking flights a few hours past his bedtime so by the time we take off he's out like a light" I said brushing Wilders hair out of his face, "does he ever look like Max, all three of them do" Sophie said taking glances between the three boys.

"Oh he's pure Max, maybe my nose that's about it" I said laughing as Max smiled to himself. "He adjusted to Max fine" Victoria questioned, I was waiting for these.

"He was a little timid at first, he's obsessed with him now" I said as Max poked his cheek causing him to burst into laughter, "awe yeah that's good" Victoria said smiling as Luka ran over Wilder with a toy car.

"Thank you Luka" I said smiling as Wilder nervously took the car from Luka before smiling up at me, "can he play with us" Luka questioned noticing he was attached to me and Max like a monkey. "He will, he just needs to warm up a little" Max said ruffling up his nephews hair.

"How's your parents" Sophie asked, my parents cut off the Verstappens after I left Max, they didn't want to deal with all the questions they had. "They're great, still in Belgium" I said forcing a smile onto my face as Sophie sent me a simple nod.

We talked for awhile catching up as Wilder slowly inched his way off of my lap and began playing with the boys, he's never interacted with another kid before so I'd say he's doing pretty well.

"Hey Charlotte, why don't we go catch up outside" Victoria asked glancing between me and the balcony, "sure" I said forcing a goes nothing.

@ Charlotte_Smith

 @ Charlotte_Smith Third flight down! ✈️ @ maxverstappen1 The best flight buddy 🤍@ victoriaverstappen So excited to see all three of you!!@ User69 Is Max with you?

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@ Charlotte_Smith Third flight down! ✈️
@ maxverstappen1 The best flight buddy 🤍
@ victoriaverstappen So excited to see all three of you!!
@ User69 Is Max with you?

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now