First race. (19)

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I balanced Wilder on my hip as Max walked into the garage balancing the diaper bag on his back, I'm still yet to see any other drivers but terrified is an understatement.

Since the other night the tension between me and Max is astronomical, neither of us have brought it up but I know we both want to. I woke up the following morning to a plan B on my nightstand next to a bottle of water, at least he knows what to do in that sense.

"Christian" Max said excitingly as he made his way towards the greying man, "hey bud, fun week" Christian asked pulling Max into a hug. "Yeah, we took this guy to the beach" Max said spinning around to tickle Wilder's belly, I watched Christians smile fall as his eyes darted towards Max's neck where a singular hickey laid.

My neck was much worse, a mix of hickeys and finger marks tailed all over my body, nothing a little makeup can't cover. Only if he were to see Max's back.

"Hey Max, is this the little guy" Sergio said walking around a corner while sliding a cap onto his head, "yeah, bud say hi" Max said lightly tossing our son in the air and dangling his hand towards Sergio. "Nice to meet you, you must be Charlotte" he spoke sticking his hand out for me to shake, "you must be Sergio" I said smiling back at him as I shook his hand.

"Ah call me Checo" he said swatting his hand towards me as I laughed, "hey wanna go meet some more of the guys, Charles wants to meet him" Max said adjusting Wilder on his hip. "Sure, see you later Checo" I said before waving as I followed Max out of the RedBull garage.

We made our way down the strip of garages meeting many different drivers and staff when an overly happy guy wearing an orange shirt came running over, Lando.

"Oh my god, is this the baby" he said immediately sticking his hands out towards Wilder, "look it's uncle LaLa" Max said smiling before handing him over to Lando. He's so unbelievably proud of the little human we created.

"Gosh, I love him already" Lando said as Wilder laid his head on his shoulder, I couldn't help but smile. "Shit sorry that was rude, I'm Lando" he said using his free arm to pull me into a hug, "It's nice to meet you, I'm Charlotte" I said smiling as I hugged him back.

"Can I have my baby back" Max asked Lando breaking his serious face with a smile, "rude" Lando mumbled as he placed wilder back into Max's arms. "Where are you going" Lando asked as we began walking.

"Charles wants to meet him" Max said holding Wilder up and pecking him on the cheek, "okay, I'll come" Lando said shrugging his shoulders. We made our way to a bright red garage just as Charles was walking out.

"Oh my god, it's Wilder" he said excitedly as he walked over to us, "nice to meet you Charlotte, I've heard a lot about you" he said shaking my hand as I glanced at Max's now beat red face.

"Do I not get a hello at least" Lando said dramatically while folding his arms, Charles turned his head towards Lando "no" he said smiling as he looked back at Wilder.

"Can I hold him" he asked Max waiting for an answer unsure of what Max would say, instead of answering Max reached his hands out placing Wilder into Charles arms.

"How hard is it to convince a girl to have one with me" Charles asked smiling at my baby. "I'll have one with you" Lando said as we all laughed besides Charles, he looked disgusted.

"I meant Alexandra" he said before cracking and laughed with us, "shouldn't be too hard, Max didn't even convince me" I said smiling as I lightly punched Max's shoulder. "Hey it takes two" he said surrendering as he held his arms up in the air, "have another and give it to me" Charles said jokingly before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone.

"Take a picture of us please" Charles said holding out his phone as I grabbed it. "Wilder cheese" I said smiling hoping to get something from Wilder but instead he stayed looking at Charles.

"Man we gotta get going, I'll see you around though" Max said as he took Wilder back from Charles, "okay man, I'll let you know what Alexandra says" he said smiling as we waved goodbye.

I wish I could say I had a good time watching the race but that would be a lie, Wilder hated the sound of the cars even through the headphones we got him so we spent our time back in Max's changing room watching him race on a Tv.

"You did so good, I'm so proud of you" I said smiling as Max made his way back from the podium pulling me into a hug, I didn't dare to bring Wilder back out there considering I just barely calmed him down.

"Did you have fun" Max asked, I didn't have the heart to tell him I didn't watch in the way he wished I would've. "Yeah, might have to try again when he's a bit older tho he wasn't much of a fan" I said sending him a sympathetic smile, "oh" Max said forcing a smile onto his face. I could tell that upset him.

"You did so amazing tho, first in many things" I said pulling him into another hug earning a true smile from him this time. "I already did my interviews, let me change then we can go" he said releasing his arms from around me as we made our way to his changing room.

I wrapped a small blanket around Wilders body knowing how busy it was going to be when we left here, one thing I'll always try to do is hide my babies identity. It's not that I don't think he's cute because he is ,some people are just weird.

@ charles_leclerc

@ charles_leclerc Made a new friend today 🙃@ Charlotte_Smith My sweet, sweet boy!@ maxverstappen1 Baby stealer

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@ charles_leclerc Made a new friend today 🙃
@ Charlotte_Smith My sweet, sweet boy!
@ maxverstappen1 Baby stealer.
@ alexandrasaintmleux Fuck it, let's have one.

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