High in the sky. (15)

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"Max a little help here" I asked while smiling as I kicked a suitcase along throughout the airport while balancing Wilder and two other bags in my arms.

"How much shit to you need, your only here for a week" Max said laughing as he gestured to the car seat and suitcase he was already carrying for me. "When you have a baby you overpack" I said as he managed to drag the last bag along, "don't fool yourself, you've always overpacked" he said as I dramatically rolled my eyes and we made our way outside to the Netherlands heat.

"Max", "Max", "Max" a bunch of men yelled around us while blinding us with flashes in the process, I held Wilder against my chest to the best of my ability attempting to shield him from the light but failed miserably.

"Mama" he cried as Max fell furious with the men, "fuck sakes guys your making the baby cry" he said shoving his hand against the camera lenses trying to stop the lights but stood no chance. "Get his car seat in, I'll calm him in the car" I said feeling my blood pressure rise.

Max wrapped his arm around my waist directing me to a navy blue sports car in the corner next to a matching red one, "I gotta grab the keys from Christian" he said as the men followed behind us still calling his name. I watched as Christian stepped out of the red car eyeing me and Max down, I'm pretty sure I've sweat through my hoodie by now.

"Charlotte" he said trying to be respectful while nodding his head at me as I smiled back at him, gosh he hates me. "Here go quick, I'll hold them off" Christian said handing Max a set of keys and walking towards the men. Max placed the suitcases onto the ground before unlocking the car door and trying to set up Wilders car seat.

"Fuck how do you do this thing" he groaned smacking the headrest with his palm, "here take him, I'll do it" I said handing Max the crying baby before placing my bags down and setting up his seat.

"Easy" I said turning around and smiling at Max before taking Wilder and buckling him in, Max picked the bags off of the ground and shoved them into the trunk and back seat considering we ran out of room before running around to the drivers seat and starting the car.

"I hate people" I groaned as I quickly climbed into the passenger seat before turning on the AC, "it's fucking hot" Max said blowing on himself in attempt to cool himself down.

"Is he okay" Max asked looking behind me as Wilder continued crying, "we just fully flipped his sleep schedule, he'll fall asleep once we start driving" I said rubbing my temples as someone knocked on the car window, I quickly turned my head noticing it was Christian.

Max rolled down my window and shifted himself closer to my side, "I'd get going before they come back over here" Christian said as I turned around seeing all the men now lined up on the sidewalk. "Okay, I'll see you Thursday" Max said buckling himself in, "drive safe, I love you" Christian said waving as Max backed out of the parking lot and made his way to the main road.

"How far is the hotel" I asked shifting in my seat pulling off my hoodie, "not a hotel" he said smiling at me. "What do you mean" I asked seeing the smug look on his face, "I got a rental for the next three day, private beach too" he said looking back at the road.

"Your crazy" I said laughing as I lightly smacked his shoulder, the car fell silent besides the light sound of the radio.

"He's calmed down" Max said referring to Wilder, "yeah he loves the car, it's like a treat he doesn't go in one much" I said leaning my head against the window. "What do you mean he doesn't go in one much" Max questioned turning onto a dark road, "we don't have one, we walk" I said placing my hoodie over my legs.

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now