30 years later. (4)

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I sat at the dinner table in our 6 bedroom Monaco home as my slightly white hair fell onto my face, I glanced over my shoulder noticing the 4 children that sat at the kids table making more of a mess with their dinner then they were eating it.

"Mom Mila's hardly sleeping these days, what helps" Lucca asked bouncing his 6 month old daughter on his hip, "dinner, bath, book, sleep" I replied looking at the little baby I'm his arms... gosh the Verstappen genes are strong.

"Thank you Charlotte, let's go try that now" his fiancé Juliette said through her thick French accent speaking to me before shifting her attention onto Lucca as they walked down the long hallway.

"How's your food" a gentle voice next to me spoke, Max. "Really good" I smirking before piling another scoop into my mouth causing him to let out a small laugh. "You are just as beautiful as you were the day I met you" he mumbled under his breath while using his pointer finger to place a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Grandpa I want to see those helmets" our three year old grandson interrupted the conversation by throwing himself into Max's lap, "Gabriel leave grandma and grandpa alone and go eat" Wilder said sternly across the table causing Gabriel's face to fall into a frown.

"Oh he's fine, lets go see them" Max said speaking to Wilder before Gabriel as he lifted him off his lap and placed his tiny feet against the floor as he ran towards mine and Max's bedroom, "such a sucker for them" Wilder said laughing before his daughter plopped herself into his lap.

"Hi Jane" I said smiling at the little brunette girl, "hi grandma" she said happily sticking her hand out to wave at me. "Colette and Elodie are you guys done eating" Capri asked her two daughters sat at the kids table as they eagerly nodded their heads.

I glanced at Jules to see him feeding their one year old son Antione the last of the pasta in his bowl before shifting my attention to Zealand's very pregnant wife. "Any day now" I asked smiling as she gently rubbed her belly, "I'm ready to pop" she said laughing causing the little girl inside her to kick. So many more girls then boys these days.

"Got any names yet" I questioned as Zealand nodded his head, "it's a secret you'll know soon" he said smirking as he poked his niece in the side causing her to giggle. It's so weird having everyone together when someone's always on the road.

I stood up placing mine and Max's plates into the sink as Gabriel came running out from our room with no Max in sight, I waited a second but he never came out. "I'm gonna go check on Max, I'll be back I said smiling at the group in front of me before walking down the hall into our bedroom.

I couldn't help but to smile to myself seeing Max stood in our closet tightly clutching his first ever formula 1 helmet between his fingers, I walked behind him wrapping my arms around his shoulders as he melted into my mouth.

"I miss it" he said full of emotion as he placed the helmet back next to the others on the top shelf, "I know you do" I said gently rubbing his collarbone letting my fingers linger. "Do you think I'm too old to hop back in a car" he said turning towards me forcing a small smile on his face, "I'd say so, better safe then sorry" I said as he turned embracing me into his arms.

"I love you" he mumbled placing his forehead against mine as he gripped my hips with his fingertips, "I love you" I mumbled back before he placed his lips against mine. I don't know what I would do without him.

@ maxverstappen1

@ maxverstappen1 Couldn't imagine life without you

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@ maxverstappen1 Couldn't imagine life without you. 🤍
@ Charlotte_Smith I'm so in love with you that it's extensive.
@ haileybieber So happy for both of you!
@ user69 Miss you in the car.

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now