This can't be. (33)

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"Your going to do so good" I whispered into Max's ear before lightly pecking him on the cheek, "do you think he'll do better this time" Max asked referring to our son as we glanced down at the three boys doing laps around the garage.

"We've been watching lots, I think he will" I said smiling as he sneaked his arms around my waist and placed his lips onto mine, "love birds let's go, cars ready Max" Christian said as Max pulled away before smiling down at me.

"I love you, don't do anything stupid I said tapping his shoulder before he mouthed the three words back to me as he walked towards his car. I'm still not sure where things stand between me and Christian, I can tell he wants to be supportive but he can't get past what I did to Max.

"Dada" Wilder yelled before bolting towards Max's car forcing me to chase behind him, "dada has to drive" I spoke gently picking him up and placing him onto my hip. "Here let me give him a kiss" Max said raising his helmet off of his face from inside the car as I leant over practically hovering Wilder in his lap.

"Be good for mommy" Max said placing a light kiss onto his cheek before I stood back up and the engine started, I took a few steps back as Max raised his arm waving goodbye before driving off.

"He's happy your here" Victoria said walking up behind me with Lio now placed on her hip, "I'm happy I'm here" I said smiling watching his car settle into pole position in the distance.

"Eat" Wilder said rubbing his belly and attempting to climb out from my arms, "I got food for everyone" I said laughing as Victoria jokingly rolled her eyes before we found a place to sit.

I opened my diaper bag and handed each kid a happy meal before handing Victoria a brown paper bag, we don't do fast food much but it's nearly impossible to cook a toddler dinner at a race track.

I glanced around seeing Ferrari fans scattered throughout the stands cheering on Charles, always him at the Monaco Grand Prix. I stood up knowing I couldn't stomach anything right now from a mix of constant morning sickness and nerves as I grabbed three pairs of noice cancelling headphones for the boys.

"Keep these on" I said gently to Wilder as I slipped them over his ears watching Victoria do the same to her boys, "so I'm guessing the news got back to you" I said laughing while glancing towards her as confusion painted her face.

"What news" she asked eyes darting around my body looking for an engagement ring but fell more confused when she couldn't find one, I kept quiet but instead moved my hands towards my slightly grown belly and gently rubbed it.

"No way" she said as a smile replaced her once confused face, "11 weeks" I said matching her smile before dropping my hands back to my lap. "You idiots, before you guys even went on that date" she said laughing shocked by the sudden news.

"We have a private gender ultrasound next month, Max is really excited" I said glancing down at my son, "what do you think it is" she said before grabbing a fry from her bag and taking a bite.

"I'm saying another boy, Max is adamant it's a girl though" I said smiling watching the last few cars line up behind him on the track, "I mean he was right with both my boys and my girl" she said glancing down at her sons before ruffing up Luka's hair.

"Shit it's starting" I said shifting my attention back to the track as Victoria quickly handed me a headset that sat on the table next to her, I situated it on my head watching the lights shut off and the cars take off.

"Car" Wilder said pointing at the screen in front of us, "that's daddies car" I said smiling as he climbed into my lap with his eyes glued onto the screen. "Your doing so good buddy" I mumbled into his shoulder before pecking him on the cheek as he turned around smiling at me.

I glanced at the television as Max started his third lap when I saw a piece of blue metal go flying across the track from off screen, my felt my anxiety rise knowing whoever it was in that position most definitely wasn't in good shape.

I felt my stomach immediately turn as they panned the camera onto the smashed up car when my eyes landed on the RedBull logo, I was watching Checo when the piece went flying in front of him.

I quickly placed Wilder on the floor as a red flag was called when I saw the car go up in flames, Max was inside that car. The car was split into two with the front of it split through a barrier at turn one.

"Charlotte turn around" Victoria said behind me but I was frozen, I couldn't look away even if I wanted too. I watched a group of men run over to the car putting the fire out with extinguishers when the screen went black, I turned around to see Victoria stood up with the remote in hand.

"Victoria no, turn it on" I said desperately feeling my knees turn into jello, "Charlotte no" she said as I glanced around the garage to see a group of RedBull mechanics hovered around a separate screen faces full of panic.

"Victoria no" I mumbled feeling tears prick my eyes, within a second I was in her arms. "He'll be okay, he always is" she said holding back tears of her own as I came undone in her grasp, "you guys look after Checo, I'm going to the hospital" Christian said quickly entering the garage before going to run back out when his eyes landed on me.

"Victoria can you watch the little guy" he asked her while in a full blown panic referring to my son, "I've got him" she said releasing me from her grasp as Christian looked at me, his face pale. "Charlotte come with me" he said as I quickly walked towards him as we both started sprinting towards the car park.

"Jump in the passenger" he said unlocking his car with shaky hands, I didn't care about the fact that he didn't like me in this moment all I cared about was Max. "How is he, Victoria turned the television off" I said as more tears fell from my eyes as he sped out of the parking lot.

I watched him take a deep breath in before opening his mouth and quickly shutting it again, "Christian tell me" I demand feeling me entire body tremble. "He's out cold, we don't know anything right now" he said keeping his eyes on the road fighting the urge to not look at me.

"He had to be pulled from the car" I said but it came out as more of a question, he didn't speak but instead nodded his head. I glanced down the road seeing the hospital become just barely visible, every part of mine and Max's relationship began to spin around in my mind.

I can't live without him.

@ f1

@ f1 Max Verstappen crashes lap three, turn one

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@ f1 Max Verstappen crashes lap three, turn one... has since been taken to the hospital in critical condition.
@ charles_leclerc Keeping him in my prayers 🙏🏻
@ landonorris I won this one for you buddy.
@ lance_stroll Hoping everything is going okay, we love you man.

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now