My good looking boy. (16)

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of Wilder crying. I went to sit up when I realized I couldn't, Max was laying on my chest. I carefully slipped out from under him and wondered down the hall following Wilders cry's until I found his room.

"Hi baby" I said opening the door and he instantly stopped crying, "mama missed you" I said picking him up and placing kisses all over his neck as he giggled. I turned my head and noticed the queen sized bed in the corner of the room and laughed to myself knowing Max purposely put me in the other room.

I sat on the edge of the bed and began nursing Wilder as I played with his hair. "We've got a fun day today, I don't know what daddy has planned but I know it'll be fun" I said as he smiled up at me. I glanced out the window noticing it was bright outside, we all must've slept in for once I thought to myself.

I felt wilder move around in my arms and I knew he was done, I picked him up so he was standing on my knees before kissing his cheek. "Let's go wake daddy up" I said smiling at him as I placed him on my hip and started making my way towards my room, well I guess mine and Max's room.

"You hear everything on those monitors" Max said smirking as I walked into the room, I felt my face go beat red knowing he had been listening. "I know, I heard you last night" I said smiling as I laid Wilder on the bed next to him.

"Hello my boy" Max said wrapping his arm around Wilder, I began digging through Wilders bags noticing they we're already dug through the next before by Max trying to find him everything he needs for bed. I picked up a diaper and a pack of wipes before tossing them onto the bed.

"Dad gets diaper duty this morning" I said smiling as I turned around to face him, "that's fine" Max said as he began to take off Wilders sleep sack. I went back to digging through the bags picking Wilder out an outfit for today and placed it onto the dresser.

"I just realized, do we have food here" I asked knowing we didn't stop anywhere on the way back, "yeah, Christian stocked us up before meeting us at the airport" he said zipping Wilders pyjamas back up. "Oh okay" I said feeling uneasy as soon as I heard his name, "he doesn't hate you" he said laughing as I shrugged my shoulders at him.

"Me and Wilder are gonna go make breakfast, you get changed" Max said standing up holding Wilder in front of him, "okay, thank you" I said smiling as they left the room. I threw on a white sundress and took my hair out of the braid seeing the overnight curls it had created, I decided not to wear makeup today knowing we'd probably end up at the beach.

I made my way downstairs when I heard Max laughing from the kitchen, "what's going on in here" I said leaning against the wall smiling before placing my hands onto my hips. "Your sons a messy eater" Max said giggling as I noticed yogurt all over Wilders pyjamas, "it's because you don't have a bib on him or have him in a high chair" I said walking over to them as Wilder sat on Max's lap at the table.

"We'll you didn't bring any" Max said shrugging his shoulders, "there's bibs upstairs" I said smiling as I opened up the fridge grabbing a water. "I didn't know that" he said smiling as he gave Wilder another bite.

I glanced at the counter seeing a plate with eggs and toast, "mine" I questioned lifting the plate up. "Yeah, I already ate" he said lifting Wilder off of his lap and stripping him from his pyjamas and placed him into the floor before walking into the kitchen, Wilder learnt how to crawl a few days ago and he's been loving the new sense of freedom

"What do you wanna do today" Max asked as he draped his arm over my shoulder as I took a bite of my food, "up to you" I said covering my mouth with my hand. "The beach" he questioned running his hand down my back before resting it on my hip, "sure" I replied before taking another bite.

"Max leant over me placing Wilders bowl into the sink on top of his plate before giving my hip a light squeeze and let go. I turned around looking at him but he wasn't looking at me, since last night he's gotten so touchy.

I shoved the last piece of toast into my mouth and placed my plate into the sink when I heard Wilder laughing, I peeked around the corner to the living room to see Max blowing raspberries onto his belly as they both giggled.

"Why don't you go get ready, I'll get him ready" I said smiling as I walked towards them, "but we're playing" Max said frowning at me. "You guys can play at the beach you child" I said poking at him as I laughed, "fine" he said dramatically dragging the e out as I picked up Wilder and began walking upstairs.

"Your gonna look so handsome" I said to Wilder as I laid him onto the bed and changed him into a pair of blue swim trunks with a white rash guard. Considering this was his first summer it was also his first time at the beach, I've only ever taken him into pools.

"I forgot my clothes were in here" Max said while walking into the room, he stood there water dripping down his chest from his hair with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. "It's okay" I said quickly turning back around towards Wilder in attempt to hide the pink hugh that's beginning to form on my cheeks.

I'd be lying if I said Max wasn't attractive, there's never been a point in my life that I haven't found myself thinking that. The way his brown hair falls perfectly onto his forehead and the veins that slightly pop out from his arms used to drive me crazy, maybe it still does.

Max grabbed his clothes and made his way back into the washroom to change, I kissed wilder on the cheek and got up locking the door. I quickly changed into a light pink bikini leaving my hair the way it was putting my dress back over top.
I heard the door handle twist but it never opened.

"Char are you okay" Max asked from the other side, "yeah sorry, I was changing" I said walking back over to the door and unlocking it. He studied me up and down before speaking, "you look the same" he said confusion lacing his voice. "I put on a swim suit you idiot" I said lightly swatting his arm, "ohh" he said once he realized.

"Ready for the beach" Max asked picking up the baby, "yeah" I smiled before grabbing a tube of sunscreen and a towel from my suitcase.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ Charlotte_Smith Just a couple of beach bums 🏖️ @ user48 R u with Max???@ nina Obsessed with you@ maxverstappen1 Having the most fun with the two of you!

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@ Charlotte_Smith Just a couple of beach bums 🏖️
@ user48 R u with Max???
@ nina Obsessed with you
@ maxverstappen1 Having the most fun with the two of you!

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now