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I bounced a cranky Wilder on my hip as Max placed my last box onto his penthouse floor, "that's all" he said before standing up and stretching.

"Home sweet home" I mumbled glancing around at our new environment seeing my boxes scattered all across the living room. It took little to no convincing from Max to move to Monaco, I assumed I would have a few months but here I am only six days later.

After spending the first few days trying to reason with Max why I should get my own place I gave up and excepted his offer to moving in with him, he claims he's hardly ever here and that it'll be nice to have someone with the cats instead of a sitter.

"Do you feel at home yet" he asked stepping towards me pulling me and Wilder into a hug, "it'll take awhile getting used to, I already miss Montreal" I said sadly before resting my head onto his chest.

"It'll grow on you" he said gently rubbing my back as I lifted my head up before placing a light kiss onto his lips, "ew" Wilder said causing me and Max to both burst out laughing. "Oh stop it" I said smiling as I began to tickle Wilders belly.

"Where should we start" Max asked as he stepped away from me referring to the boxes in his, I mean our living room. "Wilders room, I wanna have it ready for bedtime" I said glancing at the clock on the wall.

"It won't be ready for him to nap" Max said looking at the tired boy in my arms, "I know, I'll put him down in your bed" I said as he began to whine and pull at my hair. "You go get him down for a nap, I'll start moving stuff" Max said while picking up a box and disappearing down the long hallway, that's something I'm not used to.

"Mama" Wilder said beginning to cry, "I know your tired baby, let's go take a nap" I said shifting my son on my hip and turning down the long hallway Max did but stopping at the first room. I picked my diaper bag up off of the floor and tossed it onto the bed pulling out a sleep sack, his elephant and a soother.

I quickly changed him as he fell more and more tired as the seconds past, trying to stick with his old routine routine when moving is nearly impossible. I laid him in the middle of mine and Max's bed before quietly getting up and attempting to leave.

"Mama" he said crying once again as he shot up and began crawling to the foot of the bed, "shh" I whispered picking him up and placing him back into the middle before laying down next to him. I gently ran my fingers through his hair as he cuddled into my arm before closing his eyes.

I began scrolling on my phone playing catch-up with what my friends were doing before the door slowly cracked open and Max peaked his head inside. "I thought you fell asleep" he whispered as I untangled myself from my sleeping child's body.

"He wouldn't let me leave" I said walking towards the door as he shut it behind me, "he slept fine when you guys were here last time" Max said as I started laughing. "That's because we all took naps on the couch" I said smiling up at him as he fought back his urge to laugh.

"Come on, I got all his boxes in his room" Max said as he raised his hand and began ruffing up my hair, "thanks" I said sarcastically as he flicked my forehead and began walking to Wilders room. As I walked down the hallway I couldn't help but notice the room sat next to my sons, the room that will soon be decorated for our new baby.

Last week after Max took off for the Spanish Grand Prix me and Wilder went to the doctors to confirm my pregnancy, it's safe to say baby Verstappen the second is on their way.

"Oh I forgot to tell you" Max said as I peaked through the doorway before stepping into Wilders room, "I booked your first ultrasound it's in two days, your all set up with my doctor and the best ob in Monaco" he said finishing his sentence while on his knees building our sons crib.

"Thank you" I said smiling before walking towards him and gently massaging his shoulders as he bounced tools around not sure exactly what they were, "need help" I asked giggling before crouching beside him and picking up an allen key. "Tools are hard" he responded whining as I began screwing our sons crib together.

"Why don't I do this, you build the dresser" I suggested referring to the pile of wood stacked in the corner. It feels weird putting a room together for him, he's never had a dresser before let alone a bedroom.

"I like doing this with you" Max said bending down and pecking my shoulder while grabbing a screwdriver. "who would've thought this would be us" I said laughing knowing if somebody told me this would happen a year ago I would've shit my pants, gosh I wonder how Max would've felt.

I stood up glancing at my sons finished room as tears pricked my eyes, "do you like it" Max asked concerned by my reaction. "I love it" I mumbled as he pulled me in for a hug tightly wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I'm surprised he's still asleep, he might be out for the night" Max said refurring to our sleeping child, "gosh I hope not, he'll wake up at three" I groaned dreading what tonight will hold if he doesn't wake up soon.

"Do you want me to move him in here" Max asked removing his arms from around my waist and allowing them to drop back at his side, "no, I want to let him get used to this room before I make him sleep in here" I said knowing if we moved him tonight would be ten times worse.

"Well we better get working, think we can put your stuff in my room quietly" he asked before lightly slapping my ass and beginning to walk down the hallway, "we better" I replied anxiously hoping to not wake up our son. There's one rule when it comes to parenting, you never wake a sleeping baby.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ Charlotte_Smith Can you tell my baby daddy drives cars?@ maxverstappen1 Wow I'm just the baby daddy, I'm hurt

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@ Charlotte_Smith Can you tell my baby daddy drives cars?
@ maxverstappen1 Wow I'm just the baby daddy, I'm hurt.
@ danielricciardo Getting him to design my room!
@ haileybieber The luckies little guy!

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now