Come back to me. (14)

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I sat on the couch in Charlotte's apartment bouncing Wilder on my knee. "Go take a nap I have him, "I said before standing up grabbing his soother and elephant off of the counter. Charlotte sent me a weak smile before walking down the hallway and entering her room.

"You have teeth coming in buddy" I asked as Wilder laid his head on my chest and I popped his soother into his mouth before resting his elephant on the side of his face, I began rubbing his back as I watched a random hockey game on the Tv in attempt to find the remote without bothering him but had no luck. I slowly rubbed circles on his back with my thumb as his eyes slowly fell heavy.

I carefully stood up placing him down in a bassinet sat in the corner, I'm not sure if Charlotte uses this thing anymore but I don't want to go through her room and wake her. I held my hand against his chest at he began to stir but he quickly drifted back to sleep, I made my way to the kitchen when my phone began to ring.

"Fuck" I mumbled seeing Kelly's name on my phone, I hit decline and placed it against the counter before looking for a snack when it rang again. I groaned before answering and putting it against my ear.

"Max" she asked from the other line, "yes" I questioned as attitude laced my voice. "I miss you" she mumbled as my eyes rolled, "okay" I said before pulling a water bottle out from in the fridge. "Just okay" she asked and I could practically hear her anger through the line, "hmm yea" I said before taking a seat on the couch making sure to remain quiet.

"Max I miss you, P misses you" she said quietly as I placed my head into my right hand, "Kelly stop" I said lightly rubbing my temples feeling a headache come on. "Max we've been through so much together, leave her and come back for us" she pled, I felt my blood began to boil. "Kelly I picked him, it'll always be him" I said debating hanging up the phone right then and there.

"Max but-" she spoke before I cut her off, "Kelly there isn't any buts, I pick him" I said practically laughing at this point. "You probably haven't even seen him again, she just wants your money" she said furiously, "actually, I'm with him right now" I replied standing up and making my way towards the bassinet in the corner looking at my son.

"Are you with her too" she questioned jealousy now lacing her voice, "yes, she is his mother" I said wondering if she even had a working brain. "Whatever Max, we're over" she said waiting for me to respond but I didn't, instead I took the phone off my ear and hung up.

I hung my head into my hands and groaned when I heard a soft voice behind me. "Are you okay" Charlotte asked leaning against the wall, "yeah, I'll be fine" I said turning around and sending her a fake smile but I couldn't fool her, I've never been able to.

"Come sit" she said walking towards the couch before sitting down and patting the cushion next to her, I hesitated for a second but gave in taking the open seat next to her. "What's going on" she asked leaning her head against the back of the couch turning onto her side.

"I don't wanna bother you, why aren't you sleeping" I questioned knowing she didn't sleep, she was only gone for ten minutes. "I couldn't, I've never slept without him" she said glancing over at the bassinet, I just slowly nodded my head.

"Come on honing (honey) talk to me" she said while placing her hand on my shoulder giving it a light squeeze, I felt my body tense. She called me honing since we were kids, no one has called me that since before she left. "I don't wanna bother you" I mumbled looking down at the ground as the room fell silent.

"You can talk to me even if it's about me, I won't get mad I promise" she said placing her index finger on my chin lightly pushing my face up to look at hers, "it's just Kelly, she wants me back" I said glancing into her eyes.

"You don't want her" she asked fiddling with a loose thread on my shirt, "no, I'd rather be in Wilds life" I said truthfully. "She won't let you have both" she asked looking up at me, "no, him or her" I said looking away and out a window.

"I'm sorry" she said avoiding eye contact with me, "schat it's not your fault" I said before realizing what I had said, my old name for her. "I kept him from you, I flipped your life around" she said still not looking at me, "you didn't flip my life, you made my life by giving me him" I said smiling down at her.

"Wanna let me into your life more, not only talking about him" I said referring to our son, "only if you let me into yours" she said looking up at me before smiling. "Wanna hug" she asked reaching her arms out towards me, I learn forward pushing her body up against mine.

She smelt just as she did before she left me, she felt just like she used to, our body molding together creating one. "I missed you, a lot" I said resting my head on top of hers, "I missed you too Max" she replied gently rubbing my back. I released her from my grasp and rubbed my thumb against her cheek.

"Why don't we watch a movie" I asked placing my hand back at my side, "only if you pick" she said smirking, still so indecisive. "Deal" I said laughing as she handed me the remote from behind a couch pillow, so that's where it was. I scrolled through Netflix pretending to look but I already knew what I was picking, the notebook.

"I love this one" she said shifting closer to me, "I know, that's why I picked it" I said smiling while placing a blanket over our laps. It didn't take long for Charlotte to doze off as I felt her head flop against my shoulder. I didn't bother to move her, I wanted to stay like this.

For once in my life, I felt whole again.

@ Charlotte_Smith

@ Charlotte_Smith The yummiest breakfast@ user38 get a life

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@ Charlotte_Smith The yummiest breakfast
@ user38 get a life.
@ haileybieber delicious!
@ maxverstappen1 She made me one too!

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now