My boy (pt 1). (6)

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"So, where is he" I asked walking towards Charlotte, gosh I haven't been this close to her in years. Her face looked pale, just like the night I last saw her. No Max, don't feel bad for her after what she did to you.

"He's with my mom, in a room just down the hall" she said purposefully not looking at me while grabbing a stack of papers and beginning to walk out. What's she upset for.

"Hey you have no right to be mad at me, you fucking hid my kid I'm the one who's allowed to be upset" I said grabbing her arm and turning her to face me. "Yes Max I understand" she said rolling her eyes and tried turning back around, "And you fucking gave him my middle name" I said letting go of her arm as is swung at her side. I felt my blood beginning to boil.

Charlotte didn't say another word but instead walked out of the court room and begin walking down the hall, I followed behind but also made sure to keep a distance between us. "Mom, can we have some privacy" Charlotte said peeking her face through a door as it creaked open revealing Mrs Smith, "I'll be in the car, hello Max" she said grabbing her purse and sending me a warm smile before disappearing down the hallway.

"Hi my boy" Charlotte said as she walked to the far left corner picking up who has to be Wilder and kissing him on the cheek leaving me in the doorway, she turned Wilder around and faced him towards me. Any second guesses I had left of him not being mine were out the window.

Besides his nose he was a polar copy of me from his hair all the way to down to his lips. "Wilder say hi to daddy" she said forcing a smile while tickling my sons neck, I know she never wanted any of this but she's being a good sport about it.

He didn't smile at me, instead he looked at me and began to cry, I felt my heart break. "Im sorry, he's scared of men" Charlotte said as she began bouncing him up and down in attempt to calm him down but it didn't help.

"It's okay" I said quietly, she could tell I was upset. "Can you find me his soother in the diaper bag, it's brown oh and his grey elephant" she said as she rubbed his back with her right hand, I began to dig around in the beige bag before I found a brown piece of rubber.

"This thing" I asked confused but it came out more as a question, "yes, thank you" she said as she grabbed it from my hand and placed it into his mouth. He wasn't crying as hard but he was still upset, I'm not used to being around babies P is almost 5.

"Can you see if his elephants in there im pretty sure I packed it, it's on a little blanket" Charlotte said still trying to calm our son down, I began digging in the bag again and found the elephant.

"Here" I said as I shot her a small forced smile and handed her the tiny elephant blanket, I watched as she laid his head onto her shoulder and began making shushing noises with her mouth. She placed the elephant by his face and he grabbed the rest with his hand, I watched as his eyes slowly fell droopy. There she stood rocking our som to sleep, and she looked good while doing it.

"I'm sorry, he's late on his nap" she said in a quick tone, I could tell she was panicking she always talked fast when she was. "It's okay I can plan a trip after the next race to come back, I'll stay for the week and see him as much as I can if it's okay with you" I said as I scratched the back of my neck while studying my sons face as his eyes fell shut for the final time.

"I know it's not an ideal situation but I guess you could come over this evening, you can help me put him to bed" she said as she stopped bouncing. "Are you sure" I asked genuinely shocked by the invite, "yeah, we should probably talk anyways" she said as she gently placed the diaper bag over her shoulder.

"Who will all be there" I asked wanting to avoid her family as much as possible, "just us, my parents only flew in to watch Wilder while we had court, they leave tomorrow night and are staying in a hotel" she said as we began walking outside.

"Hey let me grab your number, you changed it after you moved" I said awkwardly as she opened her phone and handed it to me, I put my number in and took a quick selfie and saved it as a contact.

"You can come for 3pm, it's much earlier then his bedtime but that way you can spend some time with him before bed" she said as we approached the parking lot, "That sounds good, I better get going though gotta update a few people" I said as she nervously nodded her head. "See you in a bit" she said as she smiled before walking away to her car, I practically ran to mine feeling more nauseated then before.

"Christian please answer" I numbed to myself as I felt tears began to prick my eyes. "Max how'd it go, he yours" Christian asked as soon as he answered the phone, "I'm a father" I said quietly, that's the first time I had said it out loud. "Fuck sakes" Christian mumbled from the other line, I could feel the hot tears began to fall onto my cheeks.

"We'll figure things out Max, you'll be okay" he said in attempt to comfort me, "I gotta call Kelly, I'll call you later okay" I said rushing to hang up. "Okay, I'm here if you need anything" he said quietly before I quickly hung up.

I sat in my car and just cried, not because I was upset about being a father but because I missed out on the first 8 months of my sons life. I missed his first breath, his first smile, his first tooth and for fuck sakes every first this boy has had. The parking lot began to fill up with people from other cases so I decided to get the call with Kelly over with before I fled.

I opened my contacts and decided to FaceTime her, it's the closest to in person we're gonna get. "Hey" I said after she picked up while wiping away a tear, "why are you crying" she asked concerned. "Are you near P" I asked, she shouldn't have to hear this. "Yeah she's right here" she said flipping the camera around. "Go to a different room" I demanded in a serious tone, I watched as she shuffled off of the couch and made her way down a hallway, I could practically feel my heart beating outside of my chest.

"Max what the fuck is happening" she asked sitting in a chair. I took a deep breath in before speaking "I have a son" I said preparing myself for the fit Kelly was about to throw. "Not funny Max" she said as she began to laugh but my face stayed solid, I was being serious.

"Kelly I'm serious that's why I stayed here, we had a DNA test and court case" I said avoiding all eye contact with her. "Holy fuck Max, how old" she asked, I could tell she was annoyed, "8 months, it's mine and Charlottes" I said rubbing my temple with my left hand, I could feel a headache coming on. "The crazy ex" she asked and rolled her eyes, Charlotte wasn't crazy but she obviously wasn't sane when she left.

"She's not crazy, I've already told you that" I mumbled fiddling with my car keys, "okay well how long does it take to sign off your rights and pay her whatever money she wants" she asked, I felt like the wind was knocked out of me.

"What" I asked genuinely concerned by the sudden idea, "what is that not the plan" she asked, voice laced with attitude. "No Kelly, that's my son I'm going to step up and be a good father" I said shaking my head, now I was annoyed on top of everything else. "I can't believe you" she said, she was pissed. Before she got another word in I had already hung up, I can't deal with her right now.

Is that what people think of me, a man who will up and leave his child. I missed out on his first 8 months and I refuse to miss out on anymore time, I quickly started my car and began the dreaded drive back to the hotel.

@ maxverstappen1

@ maxverstappen1 a much needed breather

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@ maxverstappen1 a much needed breather.
@ verstappen33 Why are you still in Canada out of all places?
@ user688 Stop winning
@ kellypiquet Miss you 🤍

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now