10 years later. (2)

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I glanced at the track in front of me watching Max compete in his final qualifying alongside Charles, bitter sweet is the only word I can use to explain it.

"How am I supposed to leave this life behind" Alexandra asked walking into the RedBull garage as their two sons followed behind, I shifted my attention onto my daughter seeing her cheeks immediately flush seeing Jules.

"I'm trying not to cry, I know I will after race tomorrow" I spoke softly blinking my eyes to stop the tears from falling, "I can't even imagine how they feel, Charlie keeps saying he's fine but I know he's upset" she said letting her smile fall.

"Hi Zealand" she said smiling at my 4 year old son, "hi auntie Alexandra" he said happily jumping in a circle. "Gosh I want another, mine are all grown up" she said gesturing to my youngest son before her own boys, Jules and Marc.

I turned around shifting my attention counting my children making sure they were all still in the garage, Wilder and Lucca were seated in front of a Tv watching qualifying...my two f1 lovers.

It was hard to miss Zealand as he was now running around with a mini race car, I glanced around desperately trying to final Capri when my eyes landed on her. She was sat in a corner eating a bag of chips with Jules.

"If they don't get married" Alexandra said smiling at two of our children, "she has the biggest crush on him" I said laughing as Zealand began climbing up my leg.

"What do you want monkey man" I asked scooping him up and placing him onto my hip, "I want to see daddy, I can't see his car" he said glancing at the pit lane in front of us desperately looking for his fathers car. "Look it's on the television" I said spinning him towards the tv mounted to the wall.

"We'll why didn't you tell me that" he said dramatically tossing his arms into the air before sliding down my body and plopping onto the ground, "uncle Christian" Lucca said excitedly before bolting towards the door as Christian walked in.

"Hi Christian" I said sending him a friendly smile before he engulfed me in a hug as Lucca hung off of his leg, it took a few years for me and Christian to be back to the way we were but now I couldn't imagine life without him.

"Sad day" he said shaking his head as he forced a smile onto his face, "we'll see you guys around, we'll be a every Monaco race" I said smiling knowing the life I've lived for so many years was coming to an end.

"I'm gonna give you a heads up, I gave Max an offer but I'm not sure if he's going to take it" he said nervously smiling at me, "what offer" I asked confused... Max never told me about an offer.

"I asked him before qualifying started he'll tell you when he gets back, I do have to get going though" he said glancing at the watch on his wrist, "kids say bye to uncle Christian" I said as they all ran up to give him a hug.

"What is he talking about" Alexandra asked watching him walk away, "I know just as much as you do" I said groaning before plopping on the couch and watching the rest of qualifying.

I glanced outside of the RedBull door as Alexandra left noticing Max shake Christian's hand before pulling him in for a tight hug, what the fuck is happening. Christian released Max before giving him a light pat on his back as he began walking towards us.

Our four children quickly ran to him as he embraced them in his arms before shifting his attention onto me, "it's not ever" he said smiling letting his eyes glisten over. "What" I asked confused but what he meant when he started speaking again, "he's making me his co team principal, I wouldn't go to every race but half of them" he spoke softly scared for my reaction.

"Really" I asked letting a smile spread across his face as he took a breath of relief, he let go of our children before opening his arms and walking towards me. "You never fail to amaze me" I mumbled into his shoulder as he pulled me into his arms, "I wouldn't have been able to do it without you" he said back gently stroking my hair. Here goes nothing.

@ christianhorner

@ christianhorner The newest team principal

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@ christianhorner The newest team principal.
@ maxverstappen1 So excited for this next adventure!
@ Charlotte_Smith Sobbing.
@ RedBullFan33 Woooo

What's mine is yours - A Max Verstappen story.Where stories live. Discover now