chapter 15

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[a/n]: the next chapter might come a little later because class trials take so fucking long to write

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[a/n]: the next chapter might come a little later because class trials take so fucking long to write

"Behold! The magnificent Underwater Esca-" Himiko announced happily, oblivious to the murky, metallic-scented water behind her.

Ding dong, bing bong!


A screen flashed open to show us Monokuma leaning on a chair with a glass of something. "A body has been discovered! Everyone, gather in the gym!"

 The magician tilted her head, frantically looking around. "Nyeh? A body...? In the gym?"

At last, she spotted the pearly-white bones that had sunk to the bottom of what she appeared to escape from. "..."

I hummed, twirling in circles as the sounds of footsteps became faster and louder, nearing the gym. The door busted open to reveal the Ultimates that weren't at the talent show. 

Kokichi turned his head, seemingly searching for something before letting out a small sigh of relief under his breath as he spotted me, jumping and clinging onto me like a child. I rubbed abstract patterns into the back of his neck as I watched.

"Wh-What's going on?!" Kaito demanded.

"I-I don't know! I don't know what happened!" Tenko yelled.

"Long story short, a magic show gone wrong~!" I summarized innocently in all the wrong ways. "Welcome to the second body discovery!" I announced theatrically, focusing on the audience's surrogate. He didn't seem to notice.

Kokichi let me go, smiling. "We should break the tank, right? We gotta check what's inside."

"Wha-? Break it?" Tsumugi murmured.

"Yeah, break it. It'll take too long to drain it by hand."

 "But what would we even use to break-" Shuichi began, his ahoge sticking up like a startled cat. 

"Gonta! Kee-boy! You're up!" The gremlin shouted. 

"Huh? What do you mean, we're up?" Kiibo stammered.

I eyed the two of them up and down, the pieces clicking. "Well, that's easy, isn't it? Gonta's an absolute beast in terms of physical strength but nothing else, and you're the perfect battering ram; Heavy, and not human. That's all we need."

"Gonta, throw Kee-boy as hard as you can! Use that robot like a battering ram!" Kokichi ordered. 

"Who are you calling a battering ram?!" The robot in question snapped.

"Gonta throw Keebo! Got it!"

"Then, I'll help too!" Misandrist agreed.

"N-Now wait just a second. You don't need to team up now-"

"Kiibo... stop being selfish..." I Ultimate Influenced. Yeah, that was hypocritical of me as fuck. "...but of course, a robot's only capable of trying to keep itself from danger that no other human can withstand, hm?"

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