chapter 50

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"Soooo, Monokuma? What exactly is the point of holding a wholeass class trial if we already know what happened?" I sighed, placing two fingers on  my forehead

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"Soooo, Monokuma? What exactly is the point of holding a wholeass class trial if we already know what happened?" I sighed, placing two fingers on  my forehead. "And what's the point of holding a trial if there isn't even a killer in the first place?"

Of course there's a culprit. It's me! Then again, they aren't supposed to know that yet- and boy I am not in the mood for the others to yell at me. 'Ooh, [y/n]! You betrayed us and stuff, we should have you executed, blah blah blah blah I thought I could trust you even though that's probably the dumbest idea in the universe, yadda yadda yadda, I'll kill you for killing my boyfriend' GOD the trial's gonna be a pain.

Euuugh, now Maki's gonna be all tears about the death of the dude she had a crush on. Congrats! The person who got you to soften up and believed in you when nobody else did? He's dead!

I suppose he wasn't exactly wrong in trusting Maki, but geez, it was still super risky. I can't tell if he got cocky or something which is why he decided to keep following me like some whiny stray puppy, but hey! It's common knowledge that corpses can't believe in anyone. LOL.

"Puhuhuhu! Who knows!? It might've been his illness, it might've been something toootally different!" Monokuma exclaimed, throwing his paws in the air. "Either waay, it would be so booring if we just carried on without a class trial for this special occasion..." 

I stared at him blankly like that was the dumbest shit I've ever heard him say. And trust me, as the mastermind, I've heard him say incredibly dumb shit. I suppose the real reason was cuz the audience wanted to watch the beef between Maki, Kokichi and I... LOSER. IMAGINE NOT BEING THE MASTERMIND????

I let my smile drop from my face on purpose. 'Aw, how cute. Even [y/n] spaces out every now and then!' Yeah, no. I would say I don't get paid enough for my godly acting, but I do- with fame and attention, of course. 

I turned to glance directly at the camera, tilting my head to the side- hi! Yes, I see you- please edit me to thirst trap audios. But without the thirst trap part. AO3 is fun and games until you're the person starring in the story.

Don't get me wrong- I love all kinds of attention, but this is... ah... erm... actually, I don't know. I know I'm hot and all, but- uhhhhh....

"Well that sure cleared things up." I deadpanned, checking my nails boredly. I shrugged, throwing my hands into the air. "Welp, here we go! Time to start the class triiiaaall!"

"Wow, Maki! I didn't know heartless assassins could cry!" Kokichi exclaimed, pointing a finger at her red-rimmed eyes. No, I'm not talking about her pupils. "Then again, if I saw my lover dead on the floor, even I would shed a few tears... BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!"

Shuichi squeezed his own shut, clenching his fists. "Kokichi. That's enough."

"Aww... you're so cruel, Shuichi." Kokichi complained wistfully, pouting like a little kid. "My dearest Kaito is deaaaddd, at least let me mourn."

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