chapter 20

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"Shuu, my eyes hurt

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"Shuu, my eyes hurt..." I complained, rubbing my eyes while trying to look away from the crimson red colored walls.

"...I'm... sure we'll get there soon." He reassured, glancing from side to side.

Thus, we kept walking down the painfully patterned hallway. I shifted closer to the timid intellect, before I suddenly felt someone grab my hand and tug me towards them.

"..Hm?" I turned around, my eyes lighting up as I spotted a certain pouting liar with a checkered scarf. 

"Kokichiii! If you wanted to come along, you could have just said so, y'know~!" I cheered, taking his hand in mine.

He blinked those childlike, purple eyes with a slightly flustered expression. "Um- nuh-uh. I was not following you. We just coincidentally ran into each other, that's all."

"...You used to be a better liar, Kokichi." I said flatly, sighing.


"Geez, you're adorable." I trailed off as we arrived at a door with vibrant paint splattered all over it. 

I visibly cringed at this. "...Ouch, my poor eyes. I might enjoy glitchcore, but... these colors are a little too much."

Shuichi reached out to turn the doorknob open but was answered with a hopeless 'click click' noise. "Huh? It's locked?"

"Yup, seems like it. I guess we can't go in." Kokichi nodded, leaning on me.

"But why is it locked? Other than [y/n]'s, the other Ultimate Labs weren't locked..." The detective pondered aloud.

"Oh, by the way... this lab has some kinda rear entrance at the end of the hallway." Kokichi continued. "But that was locked, too."

"If both the doors are locked, how are we going to get inside?" Shuichi narrowed his eyes.

"I think I have bombs in my Ultimate Lab- I can go get them, if you want-" I suggested.

"Are you sure you won't nuke the entire school or something?" Kokichi asked.

"Oh, don't worry- just one of these isn't nearly strong enough to do that. Monokuma would never let me own those, y'know?" I sighed, seemingly disappointed.

"Besides, I'd have to waste my supplies by planting it in about every few corners in the academy if I wanted to blow the place to the ground." 


I chuckled at the silence. "Haha, don't worry! I won't do that... probably. So put your mind at ease~!"

Kokichi subtly cleared his throat. "...Or we can just use the secret technique!"

"Ohh, right! That seems way smarter." I frowned. "And a lot sneaki-."

As if on cue, we heard a metallic click from the other side of the barrier as it creaked open. Angie peaked out from behind the door, waving happily. "Yahaaah! Can I help you?"

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